CHEBI:4753 - ecothiopate

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ChEBI Name ecothiopate
Definition The phosphorothioate obtained by formal condensation of diethyl phosphate with N,N,N-trimethyl-2-sulfanylethanaminium. An irreversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, its iodide salt is used an ocular antihypertensive in the treatment of open-angle glaucoma, particularly when other drugs have proved inadequate.
Stars This entity has been manually annotated by the ChEBI Team.
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Formula C9H23NO3PS
Net Charge +1
Average Mass 256.32300
Monoisotopic Mass 256.11308
InChI InChI=1S/C9H23NO3PS/c1-6-12-14(11,13-7-2)15-9-8-10(3,4)5/h6-9H2,1-5H3/q+1
Roles Classification
Biological Role(s): miotic
An agent causing contraction of the pupil of the eye. Because the size of the pupil is under the antagonistic control of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, drugs affecting either system can cause miosis. Drugs that mimic or potentiate the parasympathetic input to the circular constrictor muscle and drugs that inhibit sympathetic input to the radial dilator muscle tend to contract the pupils.
EC (cholinesterase) inhibitor
An EC 3.1.1.* (carboxylic ester hydrolase) inhibitor that interferes with the action of cholinesterase (EC
Application(s): miotic
An agent causing contraction of the pupil of the eye. Because the size of the pupil is under the antagonistic control of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, drugs affecting either system can cause miosis. Drugs that mimic or potentiate the parasympathetic input to the circular constrictor muscle and drugs that inhibit sympathetic input to the radial dilator muscle tend to contract the pupils.
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ChEBI Ontology
Outgoing ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753) has role EC (cholinesterase) inhibitor (CHEBI:37733)
ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753) has role miotic (CHEBI:51068)
ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753) is a organic thiophosphate (CHEBI:37512)
ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753) is a phosphocholines (CHEBI:36700)
ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753) is a quaternary ammonium ion (CHEBI:35267)
Incoming ecothiopate iodide (CHEBI:59849) has part ecothiopate (CHEBI:4753)
INNs Sources
ecothiopate ChEBI
ecothiopatum ChEBI
Synonyms Sources
(2-diethoxyphosphinylthioethyl)trimethylammonium ChEBI
Echothiophate KEGG COMPOUND
Manual Xrefs Databases
982 DrugCentral
DB01057 DrugBank
Echothiophate Wikipedia
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Registry Numbers Types Sources
1794025 Beilstein Registry Number Beilstein
6736-03-4 CAS Registry Number ChemIDplus
Last Modified
22 February 2017