definition imported from rapid eye movement sleep "Behavior related to all sleep stages in the circadian sleep/wake cycle other than REM sleep." [NBO:GVG] non-rapid eye movement sleep behavior "Endogenously driven roughly 24-hour cycle in biochemical, physiological, or behavioral processes." [GOC:bf] circadian rhythm circadian period circadian persistence circadian phase "Any process in which an organism modulates its heart rate at different values with a regularity of approximately 24 hours." [GOC:rl] circadian regulation of heart rate "Any process in which an organism modulates its blood pressure at different values with a regularity of approximately 24 hours." [GO:GO\:0003052] circadian regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure "Any homeostatic process in which an organism modulates its internal body temperature at different values with a regularity of approximately 24 hours." [GOC:dbh] circadian temperature homeostasis irritable aggressive behavior Active pursuit of fleeing prey. chase prey Behaviors in which predator forces potential prey to emerge from cover. flush prey Building of a trap, web, net, or other structure to help ensnare potential food items. construct capturing device Approach to prey in manner designed to avoid early detection by prey. stalk prey Suite of behaviors involved in securing a prey item once it has been located. capturing behaviour Behaviors that result in ending flight of prey with successful predation. capturing prey