format-version: 1.2 data-version: clyh/releases/2020-05-29/clyh.owl remark: Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology ontology: clyh/clyh property_value: "Anatomy, development and life cycle stages - planula, polyp, medusa/jellyfish - of the cnidarian hydrozoan species, Clytia hemiphaerica." xsd:string property_value: "Clytia hemisphaerica Development and Anatomy Ontology (CLYH)" xsd:string property_value: [Term] id: CL:0000000 name: cell def: "A material entity of anatomical origin (part of or deriving from an organism) that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane." [] [Term] id: CLYH:0000001 name: gametogenesis is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000002 name: gametogenesis period def: "phase of sexual reproduction in which certain cells of a female or male individual (parent) are transformed into specialized reproductive cells (gametes) that will initiate development of a progeny individual (offspring) upon fertilization." [] is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000001 ! part of gametogenesis [Term] id: CLYH:0000003 name: oogenesis period is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000002 ! part of gametogenesis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000004 name: previtellogenic stage def: "Entered into meiosis, DNA replicated, no yolk accumulation." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000003 ! part of oogenesis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000005 name: oocyte growth period relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000003 ! part of oogenesis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000004 ! immediately preceded by previtellogenic stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000006 name: stage I oocyte growth stage def: "Meiotic Prophase I arrest, GV in centre, diameter x" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000005 ! part of oocyte growth period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000004 ! immediately preceded by previtellogenic stage property_value: IAO:0000301 "Amiel and Houliston Dev. Biol (2009)" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000007 name: stage II oocyte growth stage def: "Meiotic Prophase I arrest, GV off centre, diameter x" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000005 ! part of oocyte growth period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000006 ! immediately preceded by stage I oocyte growth stage property_value: IAO:0000301 "Amiel and Houliston Dev. Biol (2009)" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000008 name: stage III oocyte growth stage def: "Meiotic Prophase I arrest, GV off centre, diameter x" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000005 ! part of oocyte growth period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000007 ! immediately preceded by stage II oocyte growth stage property_value: IAO:0000301 "Amiel and Houliston Dev. Biol (2009)" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000009 name: oocyte meiotic maturation def: "oocyte undergoing meiosis completion from prophase I to G0 of first meiotic cycle" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000003 ! part of oogenesis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000008 ! immediately preceded by stage III oocyte growth stage property_value: IAO:0000301 "Amiel and Houliston Dev. Biol (2009)" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000010 name: spermatogenesis period is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000002 ! part of gametogenesis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000011 name: spermatogonium stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000010 ! part of spermatogenesis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000012 name: spermatid stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000010 ! part of spermatogenesis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000011 ! immediately preceded by spermatogonium stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000013 name: embryonic development is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000001 ! immediately preceded by gametogenesis [Term] id: CLYH:0000014 name: gamete period is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000013 ! part of embryonic development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000002 ! immediately preceded by gametogenesis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000015 name: unfertilized egg stage def: "matture female germ cell. not yet fertilized. Meiotic divisions complete. Spawned egg with female pronucleus." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000014 ! part of gamete period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000009 ! immediately preceded by oocyte meiotic maturation property_value: IAO:0000301 "Amiel and Houliston Dev. Biol (2009)" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000016 name: spermatozoid stage def: "mature male germ cell. " [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000014 ! part of gamete period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000012 ! immediately preceded by spermatid stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000017 name: cleavage period relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000013 ! part of embryonic development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000014 ! immediately preceded by gamete period [Term] id: CLYH:0000018 name: one cell stage def: "Zygote fertilized egg, zygote nucleus forms at animal pole (about 0-50 min post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] synonym: " fertilised egg" EXACT [] synonym: "zygote " EXACT [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000014 ! immediately preceded by gamete period property_value: IAO:0000301 "Y. Kraus et al in preparation?" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000019 name: 2-cell stage def: "Two cell-stage embryo. First cleaveages unipolar and start at the animal pole (about 50-80 min post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000018 ! immediately preceded by one cell stage property_value: IAO:0000301 "Y. Kraus et al in preparation?" xsd:string [Term] id: CLYH:0000020 name: 4-cell stage def: "Four cell-stage embryo. Second cleaveages unipolar and start at the animal pole (about 80-110 min post fertilization at 18 degree celsius). " [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000019 ! immediately preceded by 2-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000021 name: 8-cell stage def: "Eight cell-stage embryo (about 2h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000020 ! immediately preceded by 4-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000022 name: 16-cell stage def: "Sixteen cell-stage embryo (about 2.5h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000021 ! immediately preceded by 8-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000023 name: 32-cell stage def: "thirty two cell-stage embryo (about 3h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000022 ! immediately preceded by 16-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000024 name: 64-cell stage def: "sixty four cell-stage embryo (about 3h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000017 ! part of cleavage period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000023 ! immediately preceded by 32-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000025 name: blastula period relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000013 ! part of embryonic development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000017 ! immediately preceded by cleavage period [Term] id: CLYH:0000026 name: early blastula stage def: "Cells rounded and loosely adhered, Nuclei central (5-6h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000024 ! immediately preceded by 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000027 name: mid blastula stage def: "Cell contacts extended, cells polarised, nuclei apical (8h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000026 ! immediately preceded by early blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000028 name: late blastula stage def: "Cell polarized and columnar, nuclei apical (9- 10h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000027 ! immediately preceded by mid blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000029 name: gastrula period relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000013 ! part of embryonic development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000025 ! immediately preceded by blastula period [Term] id: CLYH:0000030 name: very early gastrula stage def: "Visible pointed oral pole but no cell ingression, ciliogenesis starting (12-13h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius). " [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000030 ! immediately preceded by very early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000031 name: early gastrula stage def: "A few cells ingressed at pointed oral pole, swimming started (14-16h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000032 ! immediately preceded by mid gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000032 name: mid gastrula stage def: "Ingression to fill balastotocoel half completed (17- 18h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000031 ! immediately preceded by early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000033 name: late gastrula stage def: "Blastocoel full, no epithelisation of internal cells (20h post fertilization at18 degree celsius" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000025 ! part of blastula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000032 ! immediately preceded by mid gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000034 name: planula period synonym: "larval development" EXACT [] is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000013 ! part of embryonic development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000029 ! immediately preceded by gastrula period [Term] id: CLYH:0000035 name: planula P1 stage def: "Epithelisation beginning at aboral pole (as seen at 24h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000034 ! part of planula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000033 ! immediately preceded by late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000036 name: planula P2 stage def: "Visible central cavity (as seen at 48h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000034 ! part of planula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000035 ! immediately preceded by planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000037 name: planula P3 stage def: "Competent to metamorphose as (72h post fertilization at 18 degree celsius)" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000034 ! part of planula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000036 ! immediately preceded by planula P2 stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000038 name: aged planula stage def: "Aged planula (> 3 days post fertilization at 18 degree celsius) but not received metamporphosis signal." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000034 ! part of planula period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000037 ! immediately preceded by planula P3 stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000040 name: metamorphosis period is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000034 ! immediately preceded by planula period [Term] id: CLYH:0000041 name: settled planula stage def: "torpedo shape planula that stopped swimming" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000034 ! immediately preceded by planula period [Term] id: CLYH:0000042 name: blob stage def: "irregularly shaped metamorphosing planula attached to substrate, not yet flattened" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000041 ! immediately preceded by settled planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000043 name: disc stage def: "metamorphosing planula attached to the substrate and in shape of a flattened disc" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000042 ! immediately preceded by blob stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000044 name: sculpted disc stage def: "metamorphosing planula attached to the substrate and in shape of a flattened disc with sculpted indentations" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000043 ! immediately preceded by disc stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000045 name: primary polyp stalk extension stage def: "uniform extension emerging from the sculpted disc" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000044 ! immediately preceded by sculpted disc stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000046 name: primary polyp developing head stage def: "swollen distal extremity developing into a functional primary polyp head" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000045 ! immediately preceded by primary polyp stalk extension stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000047 name: functional primary polyp stage def: "theca of the primary polyp open on the oral side and mouth open" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000040 ! part of metamorphosis period relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000046 ! immediately preceded by primary polyp developing head stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000049 name: colony phase def: "colony containing mature or developing gonozoids , gastrozoids and stolons." [] is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000040 ! immediately preceded by metamorphosis period [Term] id: CLYH:0000050 name: gastrozoid development relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000049 ! part of colony phase [Term] id: CLYH:0000051 name: stalk extenstion stage def: "uniform extension emerging from the stolon as first stage of gastrozoid development" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000050 ! part of gastrozoid development [Term] id: CLYH:0000052 name: developing head stage def: "swollen distal extremity developing into a complete gastrozoid head" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000050 ! part of gastrozoid development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000051 ! immediately preceded by stalk extenstion stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000053 name: functional gastrozoid stage def: "complete and functional gastrozoid with open hydrotheca and mouth" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000050 ! part of gastrozoid development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000052 ! immediately preceded by developing head stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000054 name: gonozoid development def: "Non feeding polyp specialized in budding medusae" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000049 ! part of colony phase [Term] id: CLYH:0000055 name: growing gonozoid stage def: "growing and developing gonozoid" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000054 ! part of gonozoid development [Term] id: CLYH:0000056 name: budding gonozoid stage def: "mature gonozoid budding medusae" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000054 ! part of gonozoid development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000055 ! immediately preceded by growing gonozoid stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000057 name: non-budding gonozoid stage def: "mature gonozoid not containing any medusa bud only central tube and disc-shaped cap" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000054 ! part of gonozoid development relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000055 ! immediately preceded by growing gonozoid stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000059 name: medusa phase is_a: UBERON:0000105 ! life cycle stage relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000054 ! immediately preceded by gonozoid development [Term] id: CLYH:0000060 name: medusa budding relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000059 ! part of medusa phase relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000054 ! immediately preceded by gonozoid development [Term] id: CLYH:0000061 name: early medusa bud stage def: "medusa bud with visible ectoderm, endoderm and entocodon" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000060 ! part of medusa budding relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000056 ! immediately preceded by budding gonozoid stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000062 name: mid medusa bud stage def: "medusa bud with forming subumbrella cavity" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000060 ! part of medusa budding relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000061 ! immediately preceded by early medusa bud stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000063 name: late medusa bud stage def: "medusa bud with with folding umbrella" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000060 ! part of medusa budding relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000062 ! immediately preceded by mid medusa bud stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000064 name: medusa growth relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000059 ! part of medusa phase relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000060 ! immediately preceded by medusa budding [Term] id: CLYH:0000065 name: 4-bulb medusa stage def: "period of medusa growth between release medusa from gonozoid until appearance of secondary tentacles. Only 4 tentacle bulbs present " [] synonym: "baby medusa stage" EXACT [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000064 ! part of medusa growth relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000063 ! immediately preceded by late medusa bud stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000066 name: 8-bulb medusa stage def: "period of medusa growth when only 8 tentacles are present " [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000064 ! part of medusa growth relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000065 ! immediately preceded by 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000067 name: 12-bulb medusa stage def: "period of medusa growth when only 12 tentacles are present " [] synonym: "young medusa stage" EXACT [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000064 ! part of medusa growth relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000066 ! immediately preceded by 8-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000068 name: 16-bulb immature medusa stage def: "period of medusa growth when only 16 tentacles are present. No mature gametes (eg 5mm diameter) " [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000064 ! part of medusa growth relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000067 ! immediately preceded by 12-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:0000069 name: mature adult medusa stage def: "period of medusa growth when only 16 tentacles are present. Gonads contain mature gametes. (eg 10mm diameter)" [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:0000064 ! part of medusa growth relationship: RO:0002087 CLYH:0000068 ! immediately preceded by 16-bulb immature medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000001 name: multicellular organism [Term] id: CLYH:1000002 name: organism subdivision is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CLYH:1000003 name: mouth is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CLYH:1000004 name: tentacle system is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CLYH:1000005 name: tentacle is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000004 ! part of tentacle system [Term] id: CLYH:1000006 name: tissue layer is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CLYH:1000007 name: ectoderm is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CLYH:1000008 name: gastrula outer layer def: "Outer layer of the gastrula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000074 ! develops from aboral pole of blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000009 name: oral gastrula outer layer def: "Oral part of the outer layer of the gastrula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000008 ! part of gastrula outer layer relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000068 ! develops from oral pole of blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000010 name: aboral gastrula outer layer def: "Aboral part of the outer layer of the gastrula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000008 ! part of gastrula outer layer relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000074 ! develops from aboral pole of blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000011 name: lateral gastrula outer layer def: "Mid part of the outer layer of the gastrula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000008 ! part of gastrula outer layer relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000031 ! develops from blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000012 name: planula ectoderm def: "Outer layer of the planula." [] synonym: "planula outer layer" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000013 name: oral planula ectoderm def: "Oral part of the outer layer of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000012 ! part of planula ectoderm relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000014 name: aboral planula ectoderm def: "Aboral part of the outer layer of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000012 ! part of planula ectoderm relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000015 name: endoderm is_obsolete: true [Term] id: CLYH:1000016 name: gastrula ingressing cells def: "Cells ingressing from the outer layer of the gastrula into the blastocoel." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000068 ! develops from oral pole of blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000017 name: oral gastrula ingressing cells def: "Cells ingressing from the outer layer into the blastocoel on the oral side of the gastrula." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000031 ! develops from blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000032 ! existence starts during mid gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000018 name: aboral gastrula ingressing cells def: "Cells ingressing from the outer layer into the blastocoel on the aboral side of the gastrula." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000031 ! develops from blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000032 ! existence starts during mid gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000019 name: planula endoderm def: "Inner layer of the planula." [] synonym: "planula inner layer" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000020 name: aboral planula endoderm def: "Inner layer of the planula on the aboral side of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000019 ! part of planula endoderm relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000021 name: oral planula endoderm def: "Inner layer of the planula on the oral side of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000019 ! part of planula endoderm relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000022 name: fertilized egg def: "Cell formed by fusion of a mature female reproductive cell and a mature male reproductive cell at fertilization." [] synonym: "zygote" EXACT [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000087 ! develops from gamete relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000018 ! existence starts during one cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000018 ! existence ends during one cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000023 name: embryo def: "Anatomical entity that comprises the organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that are characterized by cleavage, the laying down of fundamental tissues." [] is_a: CLYH:1000001 ! multicellular organism relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000022 ! develops from fertilized egg relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000018 ! existence starts during one cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000024 name: cleaving embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage." [] is_a: CLYH:1000023 ! embryo relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000024 ! existence ends during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000025 name: 2-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after the first cell division." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000019 ! existence starts during 2-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000019 ! existence ends during 2-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000026 name: 4-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after two division cycles." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000025 ! develops from 2-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000020 ! existence starts during 4-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000020 ! existence ends during 4-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000027 name: 8-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after three division cycles." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000026 ! develops from 4-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000021 ! existence starts during 8-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000021 ! existence ends during 8-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000028 name: 16-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after four division cycles." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000027 ! develops from 8-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000022 ! existence starts during 16-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000022 ! existence ends during 16-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000029 name: 32-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after five division cycles." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000028 ! develops from 16-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000023 ! existence starts during 32-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000023 ! existence ends during 32-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000030 name: 64-cell embryo def: "Organism at the cleavage stage after six division cycles." [] is_a: CLYH:1000024 ! cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000029 ! develops from 32-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000024 ! existence starts during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000031 name: blastula def: "Organism at the blastula stage - an early stage of embryonic development in animals. It is produced by cleavage of a fertilized ovum and consists of a spherical layer of around 128 cells surrounding a central fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoel." [] is_a: CLYH:1000023 ! embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000030 ! develops from 64-cell embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000026 ! existence starts during early blastula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000028 ! existence ends during late blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000032 name: early blastula def: "Blastula stage embryo before epithelisation. " [] is_a: CLYH:1000031 ! blastula relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000026 ! existence ends during early blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000033 name: mid blastula def: "Blastula stage embryo with polarised epithelial cells." [] is_a: CLYH:1000031 ! blastula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000032 ! develops from early blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000027 ! existence starts during mid blastula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000027 ! existence ends during mid blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000034 name: late blasutla def: "Blastula stage embryo with polarised and columnar epithelial cells." [] is_a: CLYH:1000031 ! blastula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000033 ! develops from mid blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000028 ! existence starts during late blastula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000035 name: gastrula def: "Organism at the gastrula stage." [] is_a: CLYH:1000023 ! embryo relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000034 ! develops from late blasutla relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000036 name: very early gastrula def: "Visible pointed oral pole but no cell ingression, Ciliogenesis starting." [] is_a: CLYH:1000035 ! gastrula relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000030 ! existence ends during very early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000037 name: early gastrula def: "Gastrula with a few cells ingressed at pointed oral pole. Swimming." [] is_a: CLYH:1000035 ! gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000036 ! develops from very early gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000031 ! existence starts during early gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000031 ! existence ends during early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000038 name: mid gastrula def: "Gastrula in which blastotocoel is half filled with ingressing cells. " [] is_a: CLYH:1000035 ! gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000037 ! develops from early gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000032 ! existence starts during mid gastrula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000032 ! existence ends during mid gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000039 name: late gastrula def: "Gastrula in which Blastocoel is full but no epithelisation of internal cells." [] is_a: CLYH:1000035 ! gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000038 ! develops from mid gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000033 ! existence starts during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000040 name: planula larva def: "A distinct juvenile form before metamorphosis with elongated shape and cilliated outer layer. Inner and outer tissue layers separated by basement membrane." [] is_a: CLYH:1000001 ! multicellular organism relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000039 ! develops from late gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000041 ! existence ends during settled planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000041 name: planula P1 def: "Planula larva showing epithelisation of gastrodermal cells at aboral pole but not orally." [] is_a: CLYH:1000040 ! planula larva relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000035 ! existence ends during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000042 name: planula P2 def: "Planula larva with visible central cavity in gastrodermis, incompetent to metamorphose." [] is_a: CLYH:1000040 ! planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000041 ! develops from planula P1 relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000036 ! existence starts during planula P2 stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000036 ! existence ends during planula P2 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000043 name: planula P3 def: "Planula larva with all cell types diffrerntiated and competent to metamorphose." [] is_a: CLYH:1000040 ! planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000042 ! develops from planula P2 relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000037 ! existence starts during planula P3 stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000037 ! existence ends during planula P3 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000044 name: aged planula def: "Elongated planula competent to metamorphose, thinner than P3 planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000040 ! planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000043 ! develops from planula P3 relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000038 ! existence starts during aged planula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000038 ! existence ends during aged planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000045 name: metamorphosing planula def: "Planula larva that has stopped swimming and is transforming into a polyp." [] is_a: CLYH:1000001 ! multicellular organism relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000040 ! develops from planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000041 ! existence starts during settled planula stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000044 ! existence ends during sculpted disc stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000046 name: settled planula def: "Planula larva that has stopped swimming and fixed to substrate." [] is_a: CLYH:1000045 ! metamorphosing planula relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000041 ! existence ends during settled planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000047 name: blob def: "Metamorphosing larva that has a pear shape." [] is_a: CLYH:1000045 ! metamorphosing planula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000046 ! develops from settled planula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000042 ! existence starts during blob stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000042 ! existence ends during blob stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000048 name: disc def: "Transitory form of planula undergoing metamorphosis a flattened circular form attached to the substrate." [] is_a: CLYH:1000045 ! metamorphosing planula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000047 ! develops from blob relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000043 ! existence starts during disc stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000043 ! existence ends during disc stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000049 name: sculpted disc def: "Transitory form of planula undergoing metamorphosis a flattened form attached to the substrate showing irregular indentations and with small stalk emerging." [] is_a: CLYH:1000045 ! metamorphosing planula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000048 ! develops from disc relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000044 ! existence starts during sculpted disc stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000050 name: spindle-associated def: "Region of the cell closely surrounding the mitotoc spindle." [] is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular component relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000019 ! existence starts during 2-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000024 ! existence ends during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000051 name: animal cortex def: "Region inheriting the peripheral region of the egg around the animal pole." [] is_a: GO:0005938 ! cell cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 GO:0005575 ! part of cellular component relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000008 ! existence starts during stage III oocyte growth stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000017 ! existence ends during cleavage period [Term] id: CLYH:1000052 name: animal cortex of oocyte is_a: CLYH:1000051 ! animal cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000084 ! part of oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000053 name: animal cortex of egg cell is_a: CLYH:1000051 ! animal cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000088 ! part of egg cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000052 ! develops from animal cortex of oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000054 name: vegetal cortex def: "Region inheriting the peripheral region of the egg around the vegetal pole." [] is_a: GO:0005938 ! cell cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 GO:0005575 ! part of cellular component relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000017 ! existence ends during cleavage period [Term] id: CLYH:1000055 name: vegetal cortex of oocyte def: "Region of a stage III oocyte cortex close to the oocyte nucleus." [] is_a: CLYH:1000054 ! vegetal cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000084 ! part of oocyte relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000008 ! existence starts during stage III oocyte growth stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000008 ! existence ends during stage III oocyte growth stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000056 name: vegetal cortex of egg def: "Egg cortex region containing the site of polar body formation." [] is_a: CLYH:1000054 ! vegetal cortex relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000088 ! part of egg cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000055 ! develops from vegetal cortex of oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000057 name: cytoplasm is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular component relationship: BFO:0000050 GO:0005575 ! part of cellular component [Term] id: CLYH:1000058 name: animal cytoplasm is_a: CLYH:1000057 ! cytoplasm [Term] id: CLYH:1000059 name: animal cytoplasm of oocyte def: "Region of cytoplasm in a stage III oocyte in the same hemishere as the nucleus." [] is_a: CLYH:1000058 ! animal cytoplasm relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000084 ! part of oocyte relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000008 ! existence starts during stage III oocyte growth stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000008 ! existence ends during stage III oocyte growth stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000060 name: animal cytoplasm of egg def: "Cytoplasm in egg hemisphere containing site of polar body formation." [] is_a: CLYH:1000058 ! animal cytoplasm relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000088 ! part of egg cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000059 ! develops from animal cytoplasm of oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000061 name: vegetal cytoplasm is_a: CLYH:1000057 ! cytoplasm [Term] id: CLYH:1000062 name: vegetal cytoplasm of oocyte is_a: CLYH:1000061 ! vegetal cytoplasm relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000084 ! part of oocyte relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000008 ! existence starts during stage III oocyte growth stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000008 ! existence ends during stage III oocyte growth stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000063 name: vegetal cytoplasm of egg is_a: CLYH:1000061 ! vegetal cytoplasm relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000088 ! part of egg cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000062 ! develops from vegetal cytoplasm of oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000064 name: oral territory is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000019 ! existence starts during 2-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000065 name: oral pole of embryo is_a: CLYH:1000064 ! oral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000023 ! part of embryo [Term] id: CLYH:1000066 name: oral pole of planula larva is_a: CLYH:1000064 ! oral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000065 ! develops from oral pole of embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000041 ! existence ends during settled planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000067 name: oral pole blastomeres is_a: CLYH:1000064 ! oral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000024 ! part of cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000021 ! existence starts during 8-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000024 ! existence ends during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000068 name: oral pole of blastula is_a: CLYH:1000064 ! oral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000031 ! part of blastula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000067 ! develops from oral pole blastomeres [Term] id: CLYH:1000069 name: oral pole of gastrula is_a: CLYH:1000064 ! oral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula [Term] id: CLYH:1000070 name: aboral territory is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000019 ! existence starts during 2-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000033 ! existence ends during late gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000071 name: aboral pole of embryo is_a: CLYH:1000070 ! aboral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000023 ! part of embryo [Term] id: CLYH:1000072 name: aboral pole of planula larva is_a: CLYH:1000070 ! aboral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000071 ! develops from aboral pole of embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000041 ! existence ends during settled planula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000073 name: aboral pole blastomeres is_a: CLYH:1000070 ! aboral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000024 ! part of cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000021 ! existence starts during 8-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000024 ! existence ends during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000074 name: aboral pole of blastula is_a: CLYH:1000070 ! aboral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000031 ! part of blastula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000073 ! develops from aboral pole blastomeres [Term] id: CLYH:1000075 name: aboral pole of gastrula is_a: CLYH:1000070 ! aboral territory relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula [Term] id: CLYH:1000076 name: blastomere def: "Single cell of a cleavage cel embryo." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000024 ! part of cleaving embryo relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000019 ! existence starts during 2-cell stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000024 ! existence ends during 64-cell stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000077 name: germ cell is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000192 ! part of gonad relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000160 ! develops from medusa relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000078 name: male germ cell is_a: CLYH:1000077 ! germ cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000079 name: spermatogonium def: "An undeveloped male germ cell. Spermatogonia develop into primary spermatocytes." [] is_a: CLYH:1000078 ! male germ cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000095 ! develops from interstitial cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000080 name: spermatid def: "A male germ cell that develops from the haploid secondary spermatocytes. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to spermatozoa." [] is_a: CLYH:1000078 ! male germ cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000079 ! develops from spermatogonium relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000066 ! existence starts during 8-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000081 name: spermatozoid def: "A mature male germ cell that develops from a spermatid." [] synonym: "sperm" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000078 ! male germ cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000080 ! develops from spermatid relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000067 ! existence starts during 12-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000082 name: female germ cell is_a: CLYH:1000077 ! germ cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000083 name: oogonium def: "An undifferentiated germ cell that proliferates rapidly and gives rise to oocytes." [] is_a: CLYH:1000082 ! female germ cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000084 name: oocyte def: "A female germ cell that has entered meiosis." [] is_a: CLYH:1000082 ! female germ cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000083 ! develops from oogonium [Term] id: CLYH:1000085 name: growing oocyte def: "Oocyte incorporating yolk." [] is_a: CLYH:1000084 ! oocyte relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000066 ! existence starts during 8-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000086 name: fully grown oocyte def: "Oocyte greater than 150 micrometers in diameter competent to undergo meiotic maturation." [] is_a: CLYH:1000084 ! oocyte relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000085 ! develops from growing oocyte relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000006 ! existence starts during stage I oocyte growth stage relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000008 ! existence ends during stage III oocyte growth stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000087 name: gamete def: "A mature sexual reproductive cell having a single set of unpaired chromosomes." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000088 name: egg cell def: "A female gamete where meiosis is complete and is able to participate in fertilization." [] synonym: "female gamete" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000087 ! gamete relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000086 ! develops from fully grown oocyte [Term] id: CLYH:1000089 name: blastocoel roof cell is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000035 ! part of gastrula relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000031 ! develops from blastula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000030 ! existence starts during very early gastrula stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000090 name: gland cell def: "Specialized cell participating in mucus secretion." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000091 name: planula aboral gland cell def: "Gland cell located on the aboral side of the planula larva, in the outer layer." [] is_a: CLYH:1000090 ! gland cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000092 name: planula gland cell def: "Gland cell located in the inner layer of the planula larva." [] is_a: CLYH:1000090 ! gland cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000093 name: manubrium gland cell def: "Gland cell of the manubrium." [] is_a: CLYH:1000090 ! gland cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000094 name: gastrozoid gland cell def: "Gland cell of the gastrozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000090 ! gland cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000150 ! part of gastrozoid [Term] id: CLYH:1000095 name: interstitial cell def: "Multipotent stem cell." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000096 name: stolon interstitial cell def: "Interstitial cell in the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000040 ! develops from planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000097 name: embryo interstitial cell def: "Interstitial cell in the embryo." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000023 ! part of embryo [Term] id: CLYH:1000098 name: planula interstitial cell def: "Interstitial cell in the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva [Term] id: CLYH:1000099 name: gastrozoid interstitial cell def: "Interstitial cell in the feeding polyp." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000150 ! part of gastrozoid [Term] id: CLYH:1000100 name: gonozoid interstitial cell def: "Interstitial cell within the gonozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000101 name: manubrium interstital cell def: "Interstital cell of the manubrium." [] is_a: CLYH:1000095 ! interstitial cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000102 name: nematoblast def: "Differenciating nematocyte." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000103 name: stolon nematoblast def: "Nematoblast in the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000102 ! nematoblast relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000040 ! develops from planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000104 name: planula nematoblast def: "Nematoblast in the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000102 ! nematoblast relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva [Term] id: CLYH:1000105 name: tentacle bulb nemtoblast def: "Nematoblast of the tentacle bulb." [] is_a: CLYH:1000102 ! nematoblast relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000171 ! part of nematogenic ectoderm of the bulb relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000106 name: manubrium nematoblast def: "Nematoblast of the manubrium." [] is_a: CLYH:1000102 ! nematoblast relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000107 name: nematocyte def: "Specialized cell containing one giant explosive secretory organelle called nematocyst used for prey capture and defense from predators." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000108 name: planula nematocyte def: "Nematocyte of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000107 ! nematocyte relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva [Term] id: CLYH:1000109 name: medusa tentacle nematocyte def: "Nematocyte of the medusa tentacle." [] is_a: CLYH:1000107 ! nematocyte relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000174 ! part of medusa tentacle relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000110 name: manubrium nematocyte def: "Nematocyte located on the manubrium." [] is_a: CLYH:1000107 ! nematocyte relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000111 name: gastrozoid tentacle nematocyte def: "Nematocyte located on the tentacle." [] is_a: CLYH:1000107 ! nematocyte relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000151 ! part of gastrozoid tentacle [Term] id: CLYH:1000112 name: neural cell def: "A cell that is part of the nervous system." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000113 name: planula neural cell def: "Neural cell in the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000040 ! part of planula larva [Term] id: CLYH:1000114 name: planula lateral neural cells def: "Neural cell in the mid part of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000113 ! planula neural cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000115 name: plaunula aboral ectoderm neural cells def: "Neural cell in the aboral part of the planula." [] is_a: CLYH:1000113 ! planula neural cell relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000035 ! develops from gastrula relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000035 ! existence starts during planula P1 stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000116 name: nerve cell of the radial canal def: "Nerve cells of the radial canal." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000182 ! part of radial canal relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000117 name: nerve cell of the circular canal def: "Nerve cells of the circular canal." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000183 ! part of circular canal relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000118 name: nerve cells of the gonad ectoderm def: "Nerve cells located in the gonad outer layer." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000192 ! part of gonad relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000160 ! develops from medusa relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000119 name: nerve cell of the tentacle bulb def: "Nerve cell of the medusa tentacle bulb." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000170 ! part of medusa tentacle bulb relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000120 name: subumbrella nervous cell def: "Nervous cells of the subumbrella." [] is_a: CLYH:1000112 ! neural cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000163 ! part of subumbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000121 name: smooth muscle cell def: "Epithelial cell containing smooth myofibers." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000122 name: smooth muscle of the velum def: "Smooth muscle of the velum." [] is_a: CLYH:1000121 ! smooth muscle cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000179 ! part of velum relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000123 name: subumbrella smooth muscle def: "Smooth muscle of the subumbrella." [] is_a: CLYH:1000121 ! smooth muscle cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000163 ! part of subumbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000124 name: striated muscle cell def: "Epithelial cell containing striated myofibers." [] is_a: CL:0000000 ! cell [Term] id: CLYH:1000125 name: striated muscle of the velum def: "Striated muscle of the velum." [] is_a: CLYH:1000124 ! striated muscle cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000179 ! part of velum relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000126 name: subumbrella striated muscle def: "Striated muscle of the subumbrella." [] is_a: CLYH:1000124 ! striated muscle cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000163 ! part of subumbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000127 name: polyp colony def: "Connected system of gastrozoid and gonozoid polyps, propagating vegetatively." [] is_a: CLYH:1000001 ! multicellular organism relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000040 ! develops from planula larva relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000128 name: stolon def: "Tubular structure adhering to the substrate, connecting the bases of the polyps." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000127 ! part of polyp colony relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000129 name: stolon growth tip def: "Growing tip of a stolon." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000130 name: stolon mesoglea def: "Mesoglea layer between the inner and outer layers of the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000158 ! mesoglea relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000131 name: stolon body def: "Segments of the stolon between the bases of the polyps, excluding the growing tip." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000132 name: stolon ectoderm def: "Outer layer within the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000133 name: stolon endoderm def: "Inner layer within the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000134 name: gonozoid def: "Polyp specialised for production of medusa by budding." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000127 ! part of polyp colony relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000128 ! develops from stolon relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000135 name: gonozoid cap def: "Structure that closes the distal end of the gonozoid." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000136 name: gonozoid central tube def: "Tubular structure comprising inner and outer layers at the centre of the gonozoid." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000137 name: gonozoid ectoderm def: "Outer layer of the gonozoid including central tube and developing buds." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000138 name: gonozoid endoderm def: "Inner layer of the gonozoid including central tube and developing buds." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000139 name: epithelium covering buds def: "Epithelial cell layer positioned between the developing medusa buds and the theca of the gonozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000140 name: medusa bud def: "Outgrowth of the gonozoid central tube, within which medusa structures develop." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000141 name: early medusa bud def: "Outgrowth of the gonozoid central tube, comprising entocodon, endoderm and ectoderm tissue layers." [] is_a: CLYH:1000140 ! medusa bud [Term] id: CLYH:1000142 name: mid medusa bud def: "Bud on the side of the gonozoid central tube, in which all medusa structures are present but not yet expanded to final proportions." [] is_a: CLYH:1000140 ! medusa bud [Term] id: CLYH:1000143 name: late medusa bud def: "Bud on the side of the gonozoid central tube, containing medusa structures with same proportions as newly released medusa." [] is_a: CLYH:1000140 ! medusa bud [Term] id: CLYH:1000144 name: entocodon def: "Group of cells between the inner and outer layers of the early medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000145 name: developing manubrium def: "Developing manubrium within the medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000187 ! manubrium relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000146 name: developing tentacle bulbs def: "Developing tentacle bud within the medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000168 ! medusa tentacle system relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000147 name: developing radial canal def: "Developing radial canal within the medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000182 ! radial canal relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000148 name: developing striated muscle def: "Developing striated muscle within the medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000124 ! striated muscle cell relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000149 name: developing circular canal def: "Developing circular canal within the medusa bud." [] is_a: CLYH:1000183 ! circular canal relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000140 ! part of medusa bud relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000150 name: gastrozoid def: "Polyp specialised for catching prey and digesting." [] synonym: "hydranth" EXACT [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000127 ! part of polyp colony relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000128 ! develops from stolon relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000151 name: gastrozoid tentacle def: "Tentacle surrounding the gastrozoid mouth." [] is_a: CLYH:1000005 ! tentacle relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000150 ! part of gastrozoid relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000152 name: gastrozoid mouth def: "Mouth of the gastrozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000003 ! mouth relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000150 ! part of gastrozoid [Term] id: CLYH:1000153 name: matrix is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure [Term] id: CLYH:1000154 name: theca def: "Chitinous acellular layer surronding and protecting the polyps." [] is_a: CLYH:1000153 ! matrix relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000127 ! part of polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000155 name: gonotheca def: "Chitinous acellular layer surronding the gonozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000154 ! theca relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid [Term] id: CLYH:1000156 name: stolon perisarc def: "Chitinous acellular layer surronding the stolon." [] is_a: CLYH:1000154 ! theca relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000128 ! part of stolon [Term] id: CLYH:1000157 name: hydrotheca def: "Chitinous acellular layer surronding the gastrozoid." [] is_a: CLYH:1000154 ! theca relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000150 ! part of gastrozoid [Term] id: CLYH:1000158 name: mesoglea def: "Jelly-like layer between epithelial layer. The mesoglea is mostly acellular and composed of extracellular matrix." [] is_a: CLYH:1000153 ! matrix [Term] id: CLYH:1000159 name: gonozoid mesoglea def: "Mesoglea layer between the inner and outer tissue layers of the gonozoid central tube." [] is_a: CLYH:1000158 ! mesoglea relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000134 ! part of gonozoid relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000127 ! develops from polyp colony relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000049 ! existence starts during colony phase relationship: RO:0002492 CLYH:0000059 ! existence ends during medusa phase [Term] id: CLYH:1000160 name: medusa def: "Swimming pelagic stage of the Clytia hemisphaerica life cycle." [] is_a: CLYH:1000001 ! multicellular organism relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000161 name: umbrella def: "Dome-shaped part of the medusa stage." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000160 ! part of medusa relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000162 name: exumbrella def: "Outer layer of the umbrella." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000161 ! part of umbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000163 name: subumbrella def: "Inner layers of the umbrella." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000161 ! part of umbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000164 name: subumbrella endodermal plate def: "Inner layer of the subumbrella in direct contact with the thick mesoglea layer of the medusa." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000163 ! part of subumbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000165 name: thick mesoglea layer of the umbrella def: "Thick mesoglea layer of the umbrella forming the bulk of the umbrella." [] is_a: CLYH:1000158 ! mesoglea relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000160 ! part of medusa relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000166 name: bell margin def: "Outer border of the umbrella." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000161 ! part of umbrella relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000167 name: statocyst def: "Sensory structure of the medusa, located on the bell margin, consisting of a sensory vesicle containing statoliths." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000166 ! part of bell margin relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000168 name: medusa tentacle system def: "Medusa tentacle system comprising tentacles, tentacle bulbs and tentacle buds." [] is_a: CLYH:1000004 ! tentacle system relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000166 ! part of bell margin relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000169 name: medusa tentacle bud def: "Initial stage of tentacle bulb formation." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000168 ! part of medusa tentacle system relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000170 name: medusa tentacle bulb def: "Swollen structure producing the tentacle and connecting the bell margin to the tentacle." [] relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000168 ! part of medusa tentacle system relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000171 name: nematogenic ectoderm of the bulb def: "Cresent-shaped nematogenic area of the tentacle bulb, located on the oral side of the bulb outer layer." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000170 ! part of medusa tentacle bulb relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000172 name: non-nematogenic ectoderm of the bulb def: "V-shaped non-nematogenic ectodermal area of the tentacle bulb, located on the aboral side of the bulb." [] synonym: "non-nematogenic epidermis of the bulb" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000170 ! part of medusa tentacle bulb relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000173 name: tentacle bulb endoderm def: "Inner layer of the medusa tentacle bulb." [] synonym: "tentacle bulb gastrodermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000170 ! part of medusa tentacle bulb relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000174 name: medusa tentacle def: "Tentacle of the medusa not including the tentacle bulb." [] is_a: CLYH:1000005 ! tentacle relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000168 ! part of medusa tentacle system relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000175 name: primary medusa tentacle def: "Four first medusa tentacles of the newly hatched medusa, connected to both radial and circular canals." [] is_a: CLYH:1000174 ! medusa tentacle [Term] id: CLYH:1000176 name: secondary medusa tentacle def: "Medusa tentacle generated after medusa hatching and connected to the circular but not to the radial canal." [] is_a: CLYH:1000174 ! medusa tentacle relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000160 ! develops from medusa relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000066 ! existence starts during 8-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000177 name: medusa tentacle ectoderm def: "Outer layer of the medusa tentacle." [] synonym: "medusa tentacle epidermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000174 ! part of medusa tentacle relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000178 name: medusa tentacle endoderm def: "Inner layer of the medusa tentacle." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000174 ! part of medusa tentacle relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000179 name: velum def: "A muscular flap of tissue surrounding the margin of the bell." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000166 ! part of bell margin relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000180 name: inner layer of the velum def: "Inner layer of the velum." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000179 ! part of velum relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000181 name: outerlater of the velum def: "Outer layer of the velum." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000179 ! part of velum relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000182 name: radial canal def: "Canal connecting the manubrium with the bell margin." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000160 ! part of medusa relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000183 name: circular canal def: "Canal running along the bell margin." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000166 ! part of bell margin relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000184 name: nerve ring def: "Concentration of nerve cell bodies and projections running around the margin of the bell." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000166 ! part of bell margin relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000185 name: inner nerve ring def: "Nerve ring located closest to the centre of the medusa." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000184 ! part of nerve ring relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000186 name: outer nerve ring def: "Nerve ring located farest to the centre of the medusa." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000184 ! part of nerve ring relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000187 name: manubrium def: "Central structure of the medusa bearing the mouth and performing extracellular digestion." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000160 ! part of medusa relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000188 name: medusa mouth def: "Medusa mouth as part of the manubrium." [] is_a: CLYH:1000003 ! mouth relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000189 name: manubrium roof def: "Inner layer of the manubrium opposite to the mouth and in direct contact with the thick mesoglea layer of the medusa." [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000190 name: manubrium ectoderm def: "Outer layer of the manubrium." [] synonym: "manubrium epidermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000191 name: manubrium endoderm def: "Inner digestive layer of the manubrium." [] synonym: "manubrium gastrodermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000187 ! part of manubrium relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000192 name: gonad def: "Reproductive organ of the medusa." [] is_a: UBERON:0000061 ! anatomical structure relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000160 ! part of medusa relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000140 ! develops from medusa bud relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000193 name: gonad ectoderm def: "Outer layer of the gonad." [] synonym: "gonad epidermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000192 ! part of gonad relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000160 ! develops from medusa relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: CLYH:1000194 name: gonad endoderm def: "Inner layer of the gonad." [] synonym: "gonad gastrodermis" EXACT [] is_a: CLYH:1000006 ! tissue layer relationship: BFO:0000050 CLYH:1000192 ! part of gonad relationship: RO:0002202 CLYH:1000160 ! develops from medusa relationship: RO:0002488 CLYH:0000065 ! existence starts during 4-bulb medusa stage [Term] id: GO:0005575 name: cellular component relationship: BFO:0000050 CL:0000000 ! part of cell [Term] id: GO:0005938 name: cell cortex is_a: GO:0005575 ! cellular component [Term] id: UBERON:0000061 name: anatomical structure [Term] id: UBERON:0000105 name: life cycle stage [Typedef] id: BFO:0000050 name: part of [Typedef] id: RO:0002087 name: immediately preceded by [Typedef] id: RO:0002202 name: develops from [Typedef] id: RO:0002488 name: existence starts during [Typedef] id: RO:0002492 name: existence ends during