2024-03-22 part of part of has part has part realized in realized in realizes realizes occurs in occurs in contains process contains process is concretized as is concretized as topObjectProperty executed by inheres in characteristic of participates in participates in is_specified_input_of is specified input of is_specified_output_of is specified output of has_specified_input has specified input has_specified_output has specified output has participant has participant enabled by enabled by executes executes bearer of has characteristic is about is about topDataProperty has quantity process process disposition disposition realizable entity realizable specifically dependent continuant characteristic role role site site function function material entity material entity immaterial entity immaterial entity gross anatomical part gross anatomical part organism or virus or viroid organism cellular organism cellular organism electron electron protein polypeptide chain protein proton proton monoatomic ion monoatomic ion neutron neutron atom uncharged atom atomic nucleus atomic nucleus nucleic acid nucleic acid polymer subatomic particle subatomic particle characteristic role cell cell native cell native cell cell in vitro cell in vitro mass mass electric charge owl:Thing elementary charge protein protein owl:Thing subcellular structure organism organism organization organization processed material processed material entity owl:Thing geographical location planned process planned process biological process biological process molecular function gene product or complex activity collection of organisms collection of organisms conclusion based on data conclusion based on data information content entity information diagnosis disease diagnosis clinical finding phenotypic finding disease course disease course environmental system process environmental process molecular process physico-chemical process ecosystem ecosystem astronomical body part geophysical entity directive information entity directive information entity owl:Thing gene product protein-containing complex protein-containing macromolecular complex objective specification objective specification plan specification plan specification owl:Thing complex of molecular entities drug product drug product drug drug product document document data item data item nucleus cell nucleus assay assay data transformation data transformation investigation investigation material processing material processing plan plan owl:Thing cellular membrane cellular organisms cellular organism agent role agent role quality characteristic geophysical entity geographical entity organism Viruses organism cellular organisms agent role investigation agent role cellular organism whole plant cell plant cell immaterial anatomical entity plant anatomical space native cell native plant cell material entity sequence_feature characteristic sequence_attribute material entity sequence_variant material entity sequence_collection immaterial anatomical entity immaterial anatomical entity cellular organism multicellular organism gross anatomical part multicellular anatomical structure native cell xenopus cell native cell zebrafish cell atom atom molecular entity molecular entity molecule molecular entity