A plant structure (PO:0005679) which is a whole organism. genet (broad) ramet (broad) PO_GIT:538 PO_GIT:69 planta entera (Spanish, exact) 植物体全体 (Japanese, exact) bush (narrow) frutex (narrow) frutices (narrow) gametophyte (narrow) herb (narrow) liana (narrow) prothalli (narrow) prothallium (narrow) prothallus (narrow) seedling (narrow) shrub (narrow) sporophyte (narrow) suffrutex (narrow) suffrutices (narrow) tree (narrow) vine (narrow) woody clump (narrow) plant_anatomy clonal colony (related) colony (related) PO:0000003 Examples include plant embryo (PO:0009009), megagametophyte (PO:0025279) and microgametophyte (PO:0025280). whole plant A plant structure (PO:0005679) which is a whole organism. POC:curators woody clump (narrow) FNA:c1ccca7d-2a98-4a9d-8603-c34b551935e0 planta entera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物体全体 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki frutex (narrow) FNA:e4dde193-57f7-4ab9-9d25-96b4ca0088ba frutices (narrow) FNA:ec8c2064-2a67-43d7-8e14-aecfef5cf33b prothalli (narrow) FNA:4b610104-1bb0-4c6b-9bb9-e3cc61d11ac0 prothallus (narrow) FNA:f8f31520-e4bc-4430-9274-8dd3cee7ffd8 suffrutex (narrow) FNA:99508f62-7116-4e2b-90c0-19ff55ebd967 suffrutices (narrow) FNA:ba1b1bd5-75bd-4195-b11c-3aba08da08c2 A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) composed of cutin (PO:0025385), a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acids C16 and C18 chains, embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386) and forming a layer on the surface of a plant epidermis (PO:0005679). cuticle (broad) PO_GIT:416 cut&#237cula (Spanish, exact) 植物クチクラ (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000022 The plant cuticle is produced in and secreted by epidermal cells (PO:0004013) of leaves (PO:0025034), stems (PO:0009047), fruits (PO:0009001), and other aerial plant structures. It has as parts an inner cuticle proper (PO:0025387) and an outer layer of epicuticular wax (PO:0025388). plant cuticle A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) composed of cutin (PO:0025385), a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acids C16 and C18 chains, embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386) and forming a layer on the surface of a plant epidermis (PO:0005679). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper cut&#237cula (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物クチクラ (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the most distal part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and has as parts a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and the youngest primordia (PO:0025127). PO_GIT:234 &#225pice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0000037 shoot axis apex A shoot axis (PO:0025029) that is the most distal part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and has as parts a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and the youngest primordia (PO:0025127). POC:curators &#225pice del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート頂、茎頂 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). epidermis del eje del tallo (Spanish, exact) シュート軸表皮 (Japanese, exact) branch epidermis (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0000112 Can occur on a stem or branch. shoot axis epidermis A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a shoot axis (PO:0025029). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators epidermis del eje del tallo (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) which is the organogenic region of the meristem, characterized by higher rates of cell division. zona perif&#233rica (Spanish, exact) 周辺帯 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy peripheral meristem (related) PO:0000225 peripheral zone A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) which is the organogenic region of the meristem, characterized by higher rates of cell division. ISBN:0521288959 TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser zona perif&#233rica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 周辺帯 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A native plant cell (PO:0025606) synthesizing protoplasm and producing new cells by division and with only a primary cell wall. CL:0000034 PO_GIT:272 c&#233lula meristem&#225tica (Spanish, exact) stem cell (exact) 分裂組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0004010 meristematic cell A native plant cell (PO:0025606) synthesizing protoplasm and producing new cells by division and with only a primary cell wall. ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper c&#233lula meristem&#225tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分裂組織細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a root anlagen (PO:0025433) and is committed to the development of a root (PO:0009005). PO_GIT:467 portion of root primordium tissue (exact) primordio de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) root primordia (exact, plural) 根原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0005029 A root primordium may arise from cells of a pericycle (PO:0006203) in a root in most seed plant (pericyclic lateral root primordium; PO:0025492), from cells of an endodermis (PO:0000252) in ferns and some seed plants (non-pericyclic lateral root primordium: PO:0025493), or from cells of a shoot axis (PO:0025029), in the case of a basal root primordium (PO:0025479) or shoot-borne root primordium (PO:0025480). Transition from root primordium to root occurs with the formation of a root cap (PO:0020123), shortly after the development of a root apical meristem (PO:0020147). root primordium A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a root anlagen (PO:0025433) and is committed to the development of a root (PO:0009005). ISBN:0521288959 POC:curators primordio de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) composed of epidermal cells (PO:0004013) that develops from the protoderm (PO:0006210) and covers the surface of a plant structure (PO:0009011). PO_GIT:109 dermal tissue (exact) epidermal layer (exact) epidermides (exact, plural) epidermis (Spanish, exact) epidermises (exact, plural) portion of epidermal tissue (exact) 表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy multiseriate epidermis (related) PO:0005679 The epidermis can be composed of one or more layers of cells. In some species of vascular plants, the epidermis, which is a primary tissue, is replaced by periderm, which is secondary tissue, later in development. The epidermis can also include trichomes, stomatal pores, root hairs, and rhizoids. epidermis A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) composed of epidermal cells (PO:0004013) that develops from the protoderm (PO:0006210) and covers the surface of a plant structure (PO:0009011). POC:curators epidermides (exact, plural) FNA:35df04e5-fde5-465e-b79e-ae7d5e1537bb epidermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo epidermises (exact, plural) FNA:0d1bd0e6-c039-4de3-a162-68299a2f342a 表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A lateral plant organ (PO:0009008) produced by a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). filoma (Spanish, exact) フィロム、葉(的)器官 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0006001 phyllome A lateral plant organ (PO:0009008) produced by a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148). POC:curators filoma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo フィロム、葉(的)器官 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of phyllome epidermis (PO:0025157) that is part of a leaf (PO:0025034). epidermis de la hoja (Spanish, exact) foliage leaf epidermis (exact) phyllid epidermis (exact) 葉表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0006016 If you are annotating to this term, please add an additional annotation to vascular leaf (PO:0009025) or non-vascular leaf (PO:0025075), depending on the species. All annotations for angiosperms, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes should go to vascular leaf and all annotations for bryophytes should go to non-vascular leaf. leaf epidermis A portion of phyllome epidermis (PO:0025157) that is part of a leaf (PO:0025034). POC:curators epidermis de la hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and arises from the meristem L1 layer (PO:0009020). PO_GIT:111 epidermis del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0006035 Often interrupted by stomatal complexes (PO:0002000) and other structures. The shoot system epidermis is different from the root epidermis (PO:0006036) in its origin, function and structure. shoot system epidermis A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006) and arises from the meristem L1 layer (PO:0009020). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators epidermis del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). PO:0006037 PO_GIT:111 epidermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy epiblem (related) rhizodermis (related) PO:0006036 The root epidermis is different from the shoot epidermis in its origin, function and structure. root epidermis A portion of epidermis (PO:0005679) that is part of a root (PO:0009005). ISBN:0080374913 epidermis de la ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). PO_GIT:472 PO_GIT:583 meristema del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0006079 shoot system meristem A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper meristema del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is the outer layer of an apical meristem (PO:0020144), or the outer layer of a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001), and gives rise to a portion of epidermis (PO:0005679). PO_GIT:125 portion of protoderm tissue (exact) protodermis (Spanish, exact) 前表皮、原表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy dermatogen cell (related) PO:0006210 A protoderm may or may not arise from independent initial cells (PO:0004011). Some researchers also refer to it as an epidermis in a meristematic state. protoderm A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is the outer layer of an apical meristem (PO:0020144), or the outer layer of a plant embryo proper (PO:0000001), and gives rise to a portion of epidermis (PO:0005679). ISBN:0471245208 POC:Laurel_Cooper protodermis (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 前表皮、原表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant structure development stage (PO:0009012) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003). PO_GIT:390 plant_structure_development_stage Solanaceae whole plant growth stages (SGN:0000001) (related) cereal plant growth stage ontology (GRO:0007199) (related) maize growth stage (GRO:0007002) (related) plant growth stages in Arabidopsis (TAIR:0000021) (related) rice growth stage (GRO:0007040) (related) sorghum growth stage (GRO:0007124) (related) wheat, barley and oat growth stage (GRO:0007156) (related) PO:0007033 whole plant development stage A plant structure development stage (PO:0009012) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003). POC:curators A cell which is a plant structure (PO:0009011). cell (broad) GO:0005623 PO_GIT:56 c&#233lula vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物細胞 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0009002 Applies to cells that are living or dead at maturity (e.g., fiber cell or tracheid) and includes any external encapsulating structures (if present) such as the plasma membrane and the plant-type cell wall. Definition of cell GO:0005623: "The basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. Includes the plasma membrane and any external encapsulating structures such as the cell wall and cell envelope". GO:0009505. Definition of plant-type cell wall (GO:0009505): A more or less rigid structure lying outside the cell membrane of a cell and composed of cellulose and pectin and other organic and inorganic substances, synonym; exact: cellulose and pectin-containing cell wall. plant cell A cell which is a plant structure (PO:0009011). GO:0005623 POC:curators c&#233lula vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物細胞 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant axis (PO:0025004) that lacks shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004) and usually grows indeterminately. PO:0003006 PO_GIT:578 ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) radices (exact, plural) radix (exact) 根 (Japanese, exact) aerial root (narrow) climbing root (narrow) plant_anatomy PO:0009005 Roots function in the absorption of water and inorganic nutrients, anchoring the plant body to the substrate and supporting it, storage of food and nutrients, and vegetative reproduction. The roots of most vascular plant species enter into symbiosis with soil-borne microorganisms. Roots are usually positively geotropic and found underground, although there are many exceptions such as the aerial roots of orchids. Roots often form secondary thickening from the root lateral meristem (PO:0006308). Commonly thought of as one of the three basic parts of the plant body, along with the shoot axis (PO:0025029) and leaves (PO:0025034). root A plant axis (PO:0025004) that lacks shoot axis nodes (PO:0005004) and usually grows indeterminately. ISBN:978-0879015329 ISBN:9780964022157 NYBG:Brandon_Sinn NYBG:Dario_Cavaliere POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo radices (exact, plural) FNA:3c46e84c-23e4-416b-91cd-2f7c42e4b13d radix (exact) FNA:e6315684-fc99-4976-b39d-b356c4b7e7fd 根 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki climbing root (narrow) FNA:bf0ce902-e91c-401a-92a8-26b20142ce5f A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces shoot-borne portions of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) and the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them. PO_GIT:135 sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact) tree crown (narrow) plant_anatomy Poaceae crown (related) shoot (related) thalli (related) thallus (related) PO:0009006 The shoot system is generally used to refer to the above-ground plant parts, although some plants have parts of their shoot system underground. For example, a rhizome (PO:0004542), bulb (PO:0025356), a corm (PO:0025355) or a subterranean tuber (PO:0004547), as in Solanum tuberosum (potato) or yam, are all part of the shoot system. shoot system A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces shoot-borne portions of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) and the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators sistema de epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート系、苗条系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki thalli (related) FNA:d1431b5c-7b86-46a0-8d3c-bd426fe12c85 thallus (related) FNA:02756ad4-a09c-48d7-8754-903254e557a9 A plant structure (PO:0009011) that consists predominantly of similarly specialized plant cells (PO:0009002) of one or more types. portion of tissue (broad) tissue (broad) PO_GIT:59 porci&#243n de un tejido vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物組織の一部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy plant tissue (related) PO:0009007 A portion of plant tissue may contain one or several types of cells that are organized in a specific spatial arrangement into a structural unit (which includes a mass of callus) and may include an intercellular matrix. May include other types of isolated cells, such as idioblasts. portion of plant tissue 植物組織の一部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant structure (PO:0009011) that consists predominantly of similarly specialized plant cells (PO:0009002) of one or more types. POC:curators TAIR_curator:Leonore_Reiser porci&#243n de un tejido vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that is a functional unit, is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003), and includes portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types that derive from a common developmental path. organ (broad) PO_GIT:55 &#243rgano vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物 器官 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy compound plant organ (related) simple plant organ (related) PO:0009008 Examples include stem (PO:0009047), leaf (PO:0025034), and root (PO:0009005). May include individual plant cells (PO:0009002) that are not part of a portion of plant tissue (e.g., idioblasts, PO:0000283). A plant organ may have one or more different plant organs as parts, such as a sporophyll (PO:0009026) that may have as part a sporangium (PO:0025094) or a carpel (PO:0009030) that may have as part a plant ovule (PO:0020003). plant organ A multi-tissue plant structure (PO:0025496) that is a functional unit, is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003), and includes portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types that derive from a common developmental path. POC:curators &#243rgano vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物 器官 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki simple plant organ (related) PATO:01503 A plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131) that is, or was, part of a plant, or was derived from a part of a plant. PO_GIT:57 estructura vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物 構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0009011 'Part' includes both proper parts and the whole plant. CARO:0000003 'connected anatomical structure' is defined as: Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape, generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. plant structure A plant anatomical entity (PO:0025131) that is, or was, part of a plant, or was derived from a part of a plant. CARO:0000003 POC:curators estructura vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物 構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki 'Part' includes both proper parts and the whole plant. CARO:0000003 'connected anatomical structure' is defined as: Material anatomical entity that is a single connected structure with inherent 3D shape, generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. PO:cooperl A stage in the life of a plant structure (PO:0009011) during which the plant structure undergoes developmental processes. PO:0007021 PO_GIT:185 etapa de desarrollo de estructura vegetal (Spanish, exact) plant growth and development stage (exact) plant_structure_development_stage Arabidopsis growth (related) PO:0009012 Refers to GO:0032502 'developmental process', which includes growth, differentiation, and senescence, and BFO:0000003 'ocurrent'. plant structure development stage A stage in the life of a plant structure (PO:0009011) during which the plant structure undergoes developmental processes. BFO:0000003 GO:0032502 POC:curators etapa de desarrollo de estructura vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo Arabidopsis growth (related) TAIR:0000205 A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) in which plant cells (PO:0009002) have retained their embryonic characteristics, or have reverted to them secondarily, and that divide to produce new cells that can undergo differentiation to form mature tissues, i.e. they have a capacity for morphogenesis and growth. PO_GIT:472 meristem (exact) meristema (Spanish, exact) meristematic tissue (exact) 分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0009013 portion of meristem tissue A portion of plant tissue (PO:0009007) in which plant cells (PO:0009002) have retained their embryonic characteristics, or have reverted to them secondarily, and that divide to produce new cells that can undergo differentiation to form mature tissues, i.e. they have a capacity for morphogenesis and growth. APweb:Glossary Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal meristema (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is the outermost layer of a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and gives rise to a shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035). PO_GIT:150 PO_GIT:576 meristema L1 (Spanish, exact) 分裂組織 L1 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy tunica (related) PO:0009020 The cells of the meristem L1 layer divide in a strictly anticlinical fashion. meristem L1 layer A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is the outermost layer of a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and gives rise to a shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal PMID:11283725 PMID:12221985 POC:Laurel_Cooper meristema L1 (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 分裂組織 L1 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A maximal portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) located at a shoot apex (PO:0000037) or root tip (PO:0000025). promeristem (broad) PO_GIT:579 AM (exact) meristema apical (Spanish, exact) 頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy primary meristem (related) PO:0020144 apical meristem A maximal portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) located at a shoot apex (PO:0000037) or root tip (PO:0000025). Gramene:Pankaj_Jaiswal POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators meristema apical (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 頂端分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A shoot system meristem (PO:0006079) formed at the apex of the shoot axis (PO:0025029), including those originating from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232). promeristem (broad) PO_GIT:472 SAM (exact) meristema apical del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) 茎頂分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy primary shoot meristem (related) PO:0020148 shoot apical meristem A shoot system meristem (PO:0006079) formed at the apex of the shoot axis (PO:0025029), including those originating from an axillary bud meristem (PO:0000232). POC:Laurel_Cooper UMSL_curator:fz meristema apical del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 茎頂分裂組織 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An axial plant organ (PO:0009008). rwalls 2010-07-01T03:44:41Z eje de la planta (Spanish, exact) plant axes (exact, plural) 植物軸(軸柱) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025004 Includes roots and shoots. plant axis An axial plant organ (PO:0009008). POC:curators eje de la planta (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo plant axes (exact, plural) FNA:2355281f-ab10-4ae2-a3d8-672cace068a8 植物軸(軸柱) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A collective plant structure (PO:0025497) that is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003), and is composed of two or more adjacent plant organs (PO:0009008) and the associated portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007). rwalls 2010-02-09T04:12:11Z PO_GIT:63 estructura vegetal colectiva de &#243rgano (Spanish, exact) 集合植物器官構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025007 Organs can be of the same type or different types. Examples include flower (PO:0009046), perianth (PO:0009058), and inflorescence (PO:0009049). See also collective organ part structure (PO:0025269), for plant structures composed of parts of multiple organs, but no complete plant organs. This was formerly named collective plant structure. collective plant organ structure A collective plant structure (PO:0025497) that is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003), and is composed of two or more adjacent plant organs (PO:0009008) and the associated portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007). POC:curators estructura vegetal colectiva de &#243rgano (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 集合植物器官構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces root meristems (PO:0006085), the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them and the parts thereof. rwalls 2010-07-01T02:11:26Z root (broad) PO_GIT:136 sistema de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) 根系 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025025 Generally the below ground portion of a vascular plant. root system A collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) that produces root meristems (PO:0006085), the plant structures (PO:0009011) that arise from them and the parts thereof. POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators root (broad) FNA:b7ce680b-c6ed-4d2e-81e6-66970f7deff9 sistema de ra&#237z (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根系 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant axis (PO:0025004) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). rwalls 2010-07-01T03:46:35Z caullome (exact) eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) シュート軸 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy shoot (related) PO:0025029 Often bears leaves and branches. In vascular plants, has at least one node and one internode. shoot axis A plant axis (PO:0025004) that is part of a shoot system (PO:0009006). POC:curators eje del epiblasto (epiblastema) (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo シュート軸 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A phyllome (PO:0006001) that is not associated with a reproductive structure. rwalls 2010-07-12T01:31:44Z PO_GIT:274 PO_GIT:301 hoja (Spanish, exact) 葉 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025034 leaf A phyllome (PO:0006001) that is not associated with a reproductive structure. POC:curators hoja (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 葉 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that has as parts protoderm (PO:0006210) and sub-epidermal meristematic tissue and is committed to the development of a particular plant structure (PO:0009011). rwalls 2010-11-15T09:10:22Z PO_GIT:186 portion of primordial tissue (exact) portion of primordium tissue (exact) primordia (exact, plural) primordio (Spanish, exact) 原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025127 A primordium appears as a protrusion and is the first distinct form of a plant organ (PO:0009008), cardinal organ part (PO:0025001), or collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007). The transition from a primordium to the plant structure it develops into is marked by the development of non-meristematic cells, although meristematic cells may be present after the transition. primordium A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that has as parts protoderm (PO:0006210) and sub-epidermal meristematic tissue and is committed to the development of a particular plant structure (PO:0009011). POC:curators primordio (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a phyllome anlagen (PO:0025430) and is part of a shoot apex (PO:0000037) and is committed to the development of a phyllome (PO:0006001). rwalls 2010-11-15T09:27:11Z PO_GIT:466 phyllome primordia (exact, plural) portion of phyllome primordium tissue (exact) primordio del filoma (Spanish, exact) フィロム原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025128 The transition from phyllome primordium to phyllome occurs when the first non-meristematic tissue develops begins to develop. phyllome primordium A primordium (PO:0025127) that develops from a phyllome anlagen (PO:0025430) and is part of a shoot apex (PO:0000037) and is committed to the development of a phyllome (PO:0006001). PMID:11572953 POC:curators primordio del filoma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo フィロム原基(可視的) (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki An anatomical entity that is or was part of a plant. rwalls 2010-11-15T11:41:38Z PO_GIT:224 entidad anat&#243mica vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物 解剖学(形態)的実体 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025131 Includes both material entities such as plant structures and immaterial entities such as plant anatomical spaces. CARO:0000000 'anatomical entity' is defined as: A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity aboove the level of a protein complex. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Refers to BFO:0000004 'independent continuant'. plant anatomical entity cjm An anatomical entity that is or was part of a plant. BFO:0000004 CARO:0000000 POC:curators entidad anat&#243mica vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物 解剖学(形態)的実体 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki Includes both material entities such as plant structures and immaterial entities such as plant anatomical spaces. CARO:0000000 'anatomical entity' is defined as: A part of a cellular organism that is either an immaterial entity or a material entity with granularity aboove the level of a protein complex. Or, a substance produced by a cellular organism with granularity above the level of a protein complex. Refers to BFO:0000004 'independent continuant'. CAROC:Brownsville2014 A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a phyllome (PO:0006001). rwalls 2010-11-15T02:32:53Z epidermis del filoma (Spanish, exact) フィロム表皮 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025157 phyllome epidermis A portion of shoot system epidermis (PO:0006035) that is part of a phyllome (PO:0006001). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators epidermis del filoma (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo フィロム表皮 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of organism substance that is or was part of a plant. rwalls 2010-11-18T07:32:44Z PO_GIT:206 porci&#243n de sustancia vegetal (Spanish, exact) 植物を構成する物質の一部 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025161 Refers to organism substance (CARO:0000004) which is defined as: Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body and that does not have inherent 3D shape generated by coordinated expression of the organism's own genome. For plants, the word "body" refers to a whole plant, or part thereof. Includes substances such as latex, xylem sap, phloem sap, resin, mucilage, oil, cuticle, cutin, and sporopollenin. portion of plant substance A portion of organism substance that is or was part of a plant. CARO:0000004 POC:curators porci&#243n de sustancia vegetal (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物を構成する物質の一部 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A maximal whole plant development stage. rwalls 2011-10-19T10:54:37Z PO_GIT:230 vida de la planta entera (Spanish, exact) 植物体の一生 (Japanese, exact) plant_structure_development_stage PO:0025337 There are only two types of life of whole plant. Every life of a whole plant is either a maximal gametophyte stage or a maximal sporophyte stage. life of whole plant stage A maximal whole plant development stage. POC:curators vida de la planta entera (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物体の一生 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is the inner layer of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022), and is composed of a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acid C16 and C18 chains. Laurel_Cooper 2012-01-06T02:53:37Z cutin matrix (broad) PO_GIT:416 クチン (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025385 Cutin is the insoluble, covalently cross-linked polymer that forms an electron dense layer over the epidermal cells (PO:0004013) of an aerial plant structure. cutin A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is the inner layer of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022), and is composed of a polyester matrix of hydroxy- and hydroxy epoxy fatty acid C16 and C18 chains. PMID:12467640 POC:curators クチン (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) comprised predominantly of very long chain aliphatic lipids and is part of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022). Laurel_Cooper 2012-01-06T02:57:22Z PO_GIT:416 cera cuticular (Spanish, exact) クチクラワックス (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025386 Also includes triterpenoids and minor secondary metabolites, such as sterols and flavonoids. May be embedded within or external to the layer of cutin of the cuticle proper. Phenotypically, wax is distinguished as the glaucous or whitish bloom on a part of a plant shoot system that corresponds to crystalloid epicuticular wax with light scattering capacity. cuticular wax A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) comprised predominantly of very long chain aliphatic lipids and is part of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022). PMID:12467640 PO_Ref:00010 cera cuticular (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo クチクラワックス (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is the inner layer of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022), composed primarily of cutin (PO:0025385), embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386). Laurel_Cooper 2012-01-06T03:06:02Z cuticle proper (broad) cutin matrix (broad) PO_GIT:416 cut&#237cula propia de la planta (Spanish, exact) 植物クチクラproper (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025387 plant cuticle proper A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is the inner layer of a plant cuticle (PO:0000022), composed primarily of cutin (PO:0025385), embedded and overlayed with cuticular wax (PO:0025386). PMID:12467640 POC:Laurel_Cooper cut&#237cula propia de la planta (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物クチクラproper (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is part of a peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and will give rise to a phyllome primordium (PO:0025128). Laurel_Cooper 2012-02-07T08:20:10Z phyllome meristem (broad) PO_GIT:427 フィロム原基 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025430 The phyllome anlagen is only detectable by gene expression, not morphology. phyllome anlagen A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is part of a peripheral zone (PO:0000225) of a shoot apical meristem (PO:0020148) and will give rise to a phyllome primordium (PO:0025128). POC:Laurel_Cooper POC:curators フィロム原基 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is committed to the development of a root primordium (PO:0005029). Laurel_Cooper 2012-02-08T01:00:56Z PO_GIT:427 precursor de ra&#237 (Spanish, exact) 根原基 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025433 Only detectable by gene expression, not morphology. May arise in a pericycle (PO:0006203), as for lateral roots in most seed plants, an endodermis (PO:0000252), as for lateral roots in ferns, or from parenchyma cells (PO:0000074) that are part a shoot axis (PO:0025029), in the case of a basal root (PO:0025002) or shoot-borne root (PO:0000042). root anlagen A portion of meristem tissue (PO:0009013) that is committed to the development of a root primordium (PO:0005029). POC:curators precursor de ra&#237 (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 根原基 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant structure (PO:0009011) that has as parts two or more portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single structural unit demarcated by primarily bona-fide boundaries from other structural units of different types. Laurel_Cooper 2012-06-11T14:57:00Z PO_GIT:480 estructura vegetal con m&#250ltiples tejidos (Spanish, exact) 複数の組織からなる植物構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025496 Most multi-tissue plant structures have at least a small connection to other plant structures via a fiat boundary, such as where a leaf (PO:0025034) connects to a shoot axis (PO:0025029), a petal (PO:0009032) connects to a receptacle (PO:0009064), or a branch (PO:0025073) connects to a stem (PO:0009047). Refers to CARO:0000055 multi-tissue structure, def'n: Anatomical structure that has as parts two or more portions of tissue of at least two different types, and which through specific morphogenetic processes, form a single distinct structural unit demarcated by bona-fide boundries from other structural units of differnt types. multi-tissue plant structure A plant structure (PO:0009011) that has as parts two or more portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007) of at least two different types and which through specific morphogenetic processes forms a single structural unit demarcated by primarily bona-fide boundaries from other structural units of different types. CARO:0000055 POC:curators estructura vegetal con m&#250ltiples tejidos (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 複数の組織からなる植物構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003) and includes two or more adjacent plant organs (PO:0009008) or adjacent cardinal organ parts (PO:0025001), along with any associated portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007). Laurel_Cooper 2012-06-11T15:09:20Z PO_GIT:479 estructura vegetal colectiva (Spanish, exact) 集合的植物構造 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025497 This is a parent term to describe both collective organ part structure (PO:0025269) (e.g. septum), as well as collective plant organ structure (PO:0025007) (which was formerly named collective plant structure), for example shoot system (PO:0009006). collective plant structure A plant structure (PO:0009011) that is a proper part of a whole plant (PO:0000003) and includes two or more adjacent plant organs (PO:0009008) or adjacent cardinal organ parts (PO:0025001), along with any associated portions of plant tissue (PO:0009007). POC:curators estructura vegetal colectiva (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 集合的植物構造 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is an aqueous solution that can be transported through the apoplast (GO:0048046) or symplast (GO:0055044). Laurel_Cooper 2013-04-05T17:15:40Z GO:0048046 GO:0055044 PO_GIT:530 savia de la planta (Spanish, exact) 植物液 (Japanese, exact) plant_anatomy PO:0025538 Plant sap should not be confused with latex, resins or plant cell cytoplasm. plant sap A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that is an aqueous solution that can be transported through the apoplast (GO:0048046) or symplast (GO:0055044). POC:Laurel_Cooper savia de la planta (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 植物液 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that consists of a complex mixture of organic aromatic compounds such as mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoids. Laurel_Cooper 2014-04-10T09:51:14Z CHEBI:24913 CHEBI:26873 PO_GIT:587 pitch (exact) plant_anatomy oleoresin (related) PO:0025603 Plant resins are often produced by Gymnosperms but not restricted to those plants. In the conifers, plant resins are constitutively and inducibly produced through the secretory activity of resin cells (PO:0025604), and can be exuded through a resin canal (PO:0005665) to a site of injury or predator attack. plant resin A portion of plant substance (PO:0025161) that consists of a complex mixture of organic aromatic compounds such as mono-, sesqui-, and diterpenoids. PMID:11337413 POC:Laurel_Cooper A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is either part of a multicellular whole plant (PO:0000003) 'in vivo' or a unicellular organism 'in natura' (i.e. part of a natural environment). Laurel_Cooper 2014-05-13T16:51:47Z PO_GIT:586 plant_anatomy PO:0025606 A native plant cell is one that is not grown or maintained in vitro, nor part of an in vitro plant structure (PO:0000004). native plant cell A plant cell (PO:0009002) that is either part of a multicellular whole plant (PO:0000003) 'in vivo' or a unicellular organism 'in natura' (i.e. part of a natural environment). POC:Laurel_Cooper A whole plant development stage (PO:0007033) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003) during the interval between fertilization (or apogamy) and death. rwalls 2010-07-15T02:56:11Z PO_GIT:139 PO_GIT:68 fase esporof&#237tica (Spanish, exact) sporophytic development stage (exact) sporophytic phase (exact) sporphyte phase (exact) 胞子体発生過程 (Japanese, exact) plant_structure_development_stage PO:0028002 A whole plant (PO:0000003) in the sporophyte development stage usually has twice the chromosome complement of a plant in the gametophytic phase, but may not in the case of apogamy. Examples of apogamy include both naturally occurring instances (such as sporophytes arising form haploid cells as in bryophytes or ferns) as well as in vitro instances (such as haploid embryo culture or in vitro fusion of non-gamete cells or protoplasts). During the sporophyte development stage, a plant may produce meiospores by meiosis. sporophyte development stage A whole plant development stage (PO:0007033) that has as primary participant a whole plant (PO:0000003) during the interval between fertilization (or apogamy) and death. POC:curators fase esporof&#237tica (Spanish, exact) POC:Maria_Alejandra_Gandolfo 胞子体発生過程 (Japanese, exact) NIG:Yukiko_Yamazaki