source_data_link has_license has_reference has_source has_exemplar is_specified_output_of in_register_with member_of has_member exemplar_of has_channel has_background_channel has_signal_channel A relationship between an interesctional expression pattern and one of the hemidrivers that contributes to driving its expression. For example, the split-GAL4 system drives expression using transgenes encoding a pair of interacting proteins, one with a GAL4 DNA binding domain and one with an transcription activation domain. In cells that co-express these two transgenes, interaction between the two proteins reconsitutes a transcription factor, driving expression from transgenes under the control o f UAS enhancer/promoter elements. 2018-09-26T07:48:55Z has hemidriver dos A relationship between an interesctional expression pattern and one of the hemidrivers that contributes to driving its expression. For example, the split-GAL4 system drives expression using transgenes encoding a pair of interacting proteins, one with a GAL4 DNA binding domain and one with an transcription activation domain. In cells that co-express these two transgenes, interaction between the two proteins reconsitutes a transcription factor, driving expression from transgenes under the control o f UAS enhancer/promoter elements. PMID:17088209 A relation that applies between a synthetic expression pattern and a transgene that drives it. For example, the GAL4 UAS system uses the yeast transcription factor GAL4 transgenes with specific expression patterns are used to drive expression of transgenes under the control of UAS promoter elements. 2018-09-26T07:49:10Z has driver dos A relation that applies between a synthetic expression pattern and a transgene that drives it. For example, the GAL4 UAS system uses the yeast transcription factor GAL4 transgenes with specific expression patterns are used to drive expression of transgenes under the control of UAS promoter elements. PMID:8223268 Wikipedia:GAL4/UAS_system depicts expression pattern cell cluster 2018-03-04T10:55:59Z A multicellular structure that is part of an expression pattern. expression pattern fragment dos multi channel image 2018-05-15T15:53:38Z A single channel image that is used as a template for image registration. template image dos 2018-09-26T07:54:17Z intersectional expression pattern dos channel