pattern_name: nonhuman_disease pattern_iri: description: 'This pattern should be used for diseases affecting non-human animal which have a corresponding/an analog disease in human, AND the taxon affected is NOT known. Examples: [leukemia, non-human animal](, [hepatitis, viral, animal](' contributors: - classes: non-human animal disease: MONDO:0005583 human disease or disorder: MONDO:0700096 relations: cross-species analog: MONDO:0700097 #annotationProperties: # exact_synonym: oio:hasExactSynonym # related_synonym: oio:hasRelatedSynonym vars: human_disease: "'human disease or disorder'" name: text: '%s, non-human animal' vars: - human_disease #annotations: #- annotationProperty: exact_synonym # text: '' # vars: # - human disease #- annotationProperty: related_synonym # text: # vars: # - human disease def: text: '%s that occurs in non-human animals' vars: - human_disease equivalentTo: text: '''non-human animal disease'' and (''cross-species analog'' some %s)' vars: - human_disease