part_of has_part develops_from anatomical structure material anatomical entity cell part molecular entity chemical entity hydroxides melanin molecule oxygen molecular entity polyphenol chalcogen molecular entity main group molecular entity carbon group molecular entity cyclic compound hydrogen molecular entity aromatic compound organic aromatic compound s-block molecular entity p-block molecular entity organic hydroxy compound organic cyclic compound phenols polyatomic entity heteroatomic molecular entity organic molecular entity organic molecule cell native cell fibroblast neural crest derived neuronal receptor cell migratory cranial neural crest cell migratory trunk neural crest cell male germ cell true spermatocyte true spermatid true sperm true spermatogonium female germ cell true oocyte true egg cell true smooth muscle cell neural crest derived true neuron neural crest derived true glioblast neuroblast stem cell single fate stem cell epithelial fate stem cell hematopoietic stem cell erythroid progenitor cell true germ line cell monoblast true neuronal stem cell true multi fate stem cell common myeloid progenitor true megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell true common lymphoid progenitor true non-terminally differentiated cell myoblast fibroblast chondroblast ameloblast osteoblast ciliated cell epithelial cell ciliated epithelial cell duct epithelial cell branched duct epithelial cell blood vessel endothelial cell true non-branched duct epithelial cell columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell squamous epithelial cell mesothelial cell stratified epithelial cell circulating cell blood cell true epithelial cell of lung epithelial cell of pancreas true T cell true Kupffer cell true osteoclast true true granulocyte true neuron associated cell mast cell true sensory epithelial cell interneuron motor neuron sensory neuron bipolar neuron autonomic neuron cholinergic neuron adrenergic neuron peptidergic neuron mononuclear phagocyte true surface ectodermal cell endothelial cell CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata) cerebellar Golgi cell granule cell Purkinje cell neuron associated cell (sensu Vertebrata) glial cell It is unclear that all glial cells develop from a cell type called a glioblast. Radial glial cells develop from neuroepithelial cells and other types of glial cells develop from other precursors. Unless glioblast is meant to describe any cell that can give rise to a glial cell, this relationship needs further investigation. macroglial cell astrocyte oligodendrocyte true microglial cell true neurectodermal cell mesenchymal stem cell true fibrocyte true fat cell osteocyte chondrocyte professional antigen presenting cell simple columnar epithelial cell pigment cell melanocyte true visual pigment cell glandular epithelial cell secretory cell exocrine cell GAG secreting cell protein secreting cell peptic cell surfactant secreting cell true Clara cell true seromucus secreting cell goblet cell acid secreting cell true parietal cell endocrine cell enteroendocrine cell neuroendocrine cell chromaffin cell peptide hormone secreting cell insulin secreting cell type B pancreatic cell true true glucagon secreting cell pancreatic A cell somatostatin secreting cell pancreatic D cell steroid hormone secreting cell testosterone secreting cell Leydig cell metabolising cell hepatocyte contractile cell myoepithelial cell muscle cell cell of skeletal muscle slow muscle cell fast muscle cell smooth muscle cell receptor cell pain receptor cell mechanoreceptor cell auditory hair cell thermoreceptor cell chemoreceptor cell olfactory receptor cell photoreceptor cell true electrically active cell absorptive cell lining cell barrier cell Sertoli cell true insulating cell myelinating Schwann cell motile cell ectodermal cell mesodermal cell endodermal cell anucleate cell single nucleate cell multinucleate cell erythrocyte true platelet true phagocyte macrophage true B cell true keratinizing barrier epithelial cell brush border epithelial cell stratified squamous epithelial cell Merkel cell PMID:19782676 glial cell (sensu Vertebrata) transitional epithelial cell eukaryotic cell eye photoreceptor cell somatotropin secreting cell gamete true crystallin accumulating cell tracheal epithelial cell true keratin accumulating cell keratinocyte true true milk secreting cell sebum secreting cell mucus secreting cell pneumocyte lysozyme secreting cell stuff accumulating cell glycogen accumulating cell extracellular matrix secreting cell myelin accumulating cell oxygen accumulating cell migratory neural crest cell adrenal medulla chromaffin cell true true neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata) glioblast (sensu Vertebrata) hair follicle dermal papilla cell true extraembryonic cell trophoblast cell true multi-potent skeletal muscle stem cell true stratified epithelial stem cell vascular associated smooth muscle cell true epidermal cell tracheoblast neurosecretory neuron attachment cell tendon cell true electrically responsive cell ganglion interneuron true CNS interneuron true electrically signaling cell male gamete true true polyploid cell haploid cell endopolyploid cell excretory cell gonadtroph luteinizing hormone secreting cell prolactin secreting cell melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell follicle stem cell follicular dendritic cell calcitonin secreting cell chief cell of parathyroid gland carbohydrate secreting cell white fat cell brown fat cell dendritic cell true thyroid hormone secreting cell Langerhans cell true epinephrine secreting cell mineralocorticoid secreting cell biogenic amine secreting cell serotonin secreting cell noradrenergic cell adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting cell defensive cell thyrotroph follicle cell connective tissue type mast cell true CD4-positive helper T cell true stromal cell granulosa cell type D enteroendocrine cell theca cell paneth cell true androgen binding protein secreting cell cardiac muscle myoblast smooth muscle myoblast true skeletal muscle myoblast true macrophage derived foam cell phagocyte (sensu Vertebrata) syncytiotrophoblast cell afferent neuron efferent neuron pigmented epithelial cell neuron melanoblast lymphocyte T-helper 1 cell true T-helper 2 cell true proerythroblast true animal cell basophilic erythroblast true polychromatophilic erythroblast true orthochromatic erythroblast true megakaryocyte progenitor cell true megakaryocyte true granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell reticulocyte true promonocyte true amacrine cell nucleate erythrocyte true angioblastic mesenchymal cell true polymodal nocireceptor APUD cell parafollicular cell true true retinal cone cell corneal epithelial cell true monocyte true peritoneal macrophage true alveolar macrophage true enterocyte germ cell true cochlear inner hair cell androgen secreting cell skeletal muscle satellite cell enucleate erythrocyte true pyramidal neuron outer hair cell pressoreceptor cell retinal rod cell vestibular hair cell GABAergic neuron acinar cell natural killer cell true CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell true CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell true olfactory granule cell supportive cell hepatic stellate cell Hensen cell Claudius cell Deiter's cell Mueller cell chromophil cell of anterior pituitary gland basophil cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis folliculostellate cell Bergmann glial cell pituicyte basal cell kidney granular cell prickle cell mesangial cell mucous neck cell pinealocyte glomerular visceral epithelial cell primary spermatocyte true secondary spermatocyte true fenestrated cell collagen secreting cell pericyte cell primordial germ cell true true female gamete true gut absorptive cell glutamatergic neuron muscle precursor cell radial glial cell Cajal-Retzius cell PP cell dopaminergic neuron leptomeningeal cell true neurecto-epithelial cell stratum granulosum cell somatic stem cell true urothelial cell true striated muscle cell leukocyte true retinal ganglion cell retina horizontal cell cardiac muscle cell retinal bipolar neuron ON-bipolar cell rod bipolar cell cone retinal bipolar cell nucleated thrombocyte true myeloid cell true erythroid lineage cell erythroblast true myeloid leukocyte true basophil true eosinophil true neutrophil true myeloid dendritic cell true multinucleated phagocyte true plasmacytoid dendritic cell true mature B cell true plasma cell true memory B cell true naive B cell true alpha-beta T cell true immature alpha-beta T cell true mature alpha-beta T cell true CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell true CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell true CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell true CD8-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell true CD8-alpha-beta-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell true alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell true gamma-delta T cell true immature gamma-delta T cell true mature gamma-delta T cell true gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell true CD8-alpha alpha positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell true CD4-negative CD8-negative gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell true immature single positive thymocyte true DN2 thymocyte DN3 thymocyte DN4 thymocyte double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte true CD4-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte true CD8-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte true memory T cell true mature NK T cell true regulatory T cell true immature B cell precursor B cell true transitional stage B cell true B-1 B cell true B-1a B cell true B-1b B cell true B-2 B cell true immature natural killer cell true mature natural killer cell pro-NK cell true pro-B cell true pro-T cell true thromboblast true mast cell progenitor true myeloblast true hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cell lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell true myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell true mononuclear cell follicular B cell germinal center B cell true marginal zone B cell true vestibular dark cell serotonergic neuron olfactory epithelial support cell sensory hair cell slow muscle myoblast fast muscle myoblast tissue-resident macrophage true secondary lymphoid organ macrophage splenic macrophage true splenic marginal zone macrophage true central nervous system macrophage true perivascular macrophage true mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue macrophage true foam cell thymocyte true DN1 thymic pro-T cell true naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell true activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell true CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell true naive T cell true T-helper 17 cell true naive thymus-derived CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell true central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell true effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell true activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell true central memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell true CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytokine secreting effector T cell true CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell true cytotoxic T cell true effector T cell true helper T cell true effector memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell true immature NK T cell true dendritic epidermal T cell true CD8-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell true CD4-negative, CD8-negative, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell true pre-natural killer cell true lymphocyte of B lineage true antibody secreting cell true small pre-B-II cell true pre-B-II cell true T1 B cell true T2 B cell true T3 B cell true long lived plasma cell true short lived plasma cell true plasmablast true hematopoietic cell conventional dendritic cell true CD34-positive, CD38-positive common myeloid progenitor OR CD34-positive, CD38-positive common lymphoid progenitor CD7-negative lymphoid progenitor OR granulocyte monocyte progenitor CD34-positive, CD38-positive common lymphoid progenitor true CD34-positive, CD38-negative hematopoietic stem cell true CD34-positive, CD38-positive common myeloid progenitor CD7-negative lymphoid progenitor cell true cerebellar granule cell true cortical granule cell hippocampal granule cell bone cell true non-terminally differentiated osteoblast CD4-positive, CXCR3-negative, CCR6-negative, alpha-beta T cell common myeloid progenitor, CD34-positive hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell, lineage-negative beige adipocyte macrophage dendritic cell progenitor true basophil mast progenitor cell hematopoietic lineage restricted progenitor cell hematopoietic oligopotent progenitor cell T follicular helper cell true immature NK T cell stage I true immature NK T cell stage II true immature NK T cell stage III true immature NK T cell stage IV true CD34-positive, CD38-negative multipotent progenitor cell true Fraction A pre-pro B cell true early pro-B cell true late pro-B cell true melanophage true type I pneumocyte type II pneumocyte pancreatic acinar cell true true Feyrter cell type A enterocrine cell enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine true nodal myocyte endo-epithelial cell ecto-epithelial cell meso-epithelial cell pancreatic centro-acinar cell true type II cell of adrenal medulla true type I cell of adrenal medulla true Boettcher cell specialized cardiac myocyte nongranular leukocyte true interstitial cell of Cajal true polar body bone marrow cell true cortical cell of adrenal gland true type I cell of adrenal cortex true innate effector T cell true Tc17 cell true stromal cell of ovary stromal cell of ovarian medulla true endothelial cell of vascular tree acinar cell of sebaceous gland true capillary endothelial cell true ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree dental pulp cell epithelial cell of uterus true general ecto-epithelial cell phalangeal cell olfactory epithelial cell basal cell of olfactory epithelium true keratinized cell of the oral mucosa globose cell of olfactory epithelium interdental cell of cochlea extraglomerular mesangial cell true follicular cell of ovary epithelial cell of stomach true mucous cell of stomach mucus neck cell of gastric gland true true surface mucosal cell of stomach stem cell of gastric gland true basal proper cell of olfactory epithelium basal cell of epidermis true glomerular endothelial cell true granulocytopoietic cell true monopoietic cell true hepatic stem cell true hepatic oval stem cell epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree intermediate epitheliocyte red muscle cell type I muscle cell type II muscle cell white muscle cell type IIa muscle cell type IIb muscle cell immature dendritic epithelial T cell precursor vertebrate lens cell anterior lens cell lens epithelial cell true secondary lens fiber primary lens fiber epithelial cell of prostate true epithelial cell of prostatic duct true basal epithelial cell of prostatic duct marrow fibroblast pulmonary interstitial fibroblast true nucleate cell peripheral blood stem cell true intestinal crypt stem cell epithelial cell of alimentary canal epithelial cell of esophagus true epithelial cell of large intestine true epithelial cell of small intestine true stromal cell of endometrium true epithelial cell of thyroid gland true epithelial cell of parathyroid gland true endothelial cell of viscerocranial mucosa endothelial cell of sinusoid true type A cell of stomach type D cell of colon type D cell of small intestine type D cell of stomach histamine secreting cell pancreatic PP cell epithelial cell of thymus true pigmented ciliary epithelial cell epithelial cell of distal tubule epithelial cell of skin gland supporting cell of cochlea supporting cell of vestibular epithelium neural cell connective tissue cell true embryonic cell mammary alveolar cell true mammary gland epithelial cell bronchial epithelial cell basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree ciliated cell of the bronchus neural crest derived fat cell preadipocyte brown preadipocyte buccal mucosa cell prostate stem cell basal cell of prostate epithelium decidual natural killer cell true endocardial cell true progenitor cell of endocrine pancreas gestational hematopoietic stem cell fetal liver hematopoietic progenitor cell true yolk sac hematopoietic stem cell true primitive red blood cell true fetal derived definitive erythrocyte true placental hematopoietic stem cell primitive erythroid progenitor true keratocyte cortical thymic epithelial cell medullary thymic epithelial cell myometrial cell trabecular meshwork cell true respiratory epithelial cell true respiratory goblet cell somatic cell myotube ear hair cell Schwann cell precursor immature Schwann cell mature dendritic epithelial T cell precursor fetal thymocyte primitive erythroid lineage cell hemangioblast mature T cell true immature T cell true nucleated reticulocyte true enucleated reticulocyte true early T lineage precursor true resting double-positive thymocyte true double-positive blast true CD69-positive double-positive thymocyte true CD4-intermediate, CD8-positive double-positive thymocyte true CD4-positive, CD8-intermediate double-positive thymocyte true CD24-positive, CD4 single-positive thymocyte true CD69-positive, CD4-positive single-positive thymocyte true CD24-positive, CD8 single-positive thymocyte true CD69-positive, CD8-positive single-positive thymocyte true mature CD4 single-positive thymocyte true mature CD8 single-positive thymocyte true oligodendrocyte precursor cell true nasal mucosa goblet cell peritubular myoid cell true dermal melanocyte true hair follicle melanocyte true epithelial melanocyte true retinal melanocyte true strial intermediate cell cutaneous/subcutaneous mechanoreceptor cell trophoblast giant cell true double negative thymocyte true organ of Corti supporting cell auditory epithelial cell strial marginal cell strial basal cell cardiocyte true fetal cardiomyocyte intraepithelial lymphocyte true spongiotrophoblast cell adventitial cell enteric smooth muscle cell true kidney epithelial cell true subcutaneous fat cell true renal filtration cell mesonephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell metanephric glomerular visceral epithelial cell epithelial cell of cervix true epithelial cell of amnion true amnion mesenchymal stem cell aortic smooth muscle cell true mesenchymal stem cell of the bone marrow chorionic membrane mesenchymal stem cell vein endothelial cell true embryonic blood vessel endothelial progenitor cell fibroblast of the aortic adventitia true fibroblast of cardiac tissue true true fibroblast of choroid plexus true fibroblast of the conjunctiva fibroblast of dermis true fibroblast of gingiva true fibroblast of lung true fibroblast of lymphatic vessel true fibroblast of mammary gland true fibroblast of periodontium true fibroblast of pulmonary artery true hair follicle cell true inner root sheath cell true outer root sheath cell true true hair germinal matrix cell true intestinal epithelial cell true nucleus pulposus cell of intervertebral disc mesenchymal stem cell of adipose hepatic mesenchymal stem cell true vertebral mesenchymal stem cell true Schwann cell true stromal cell of pancreas true central nervous system pericyte true placental epithelial cell true mesenteric preadipocyte true preadipocyte of the breast true subcutaneous preadipocyte true renal cortical epithelial cell true true retinal blood vessel endothelial cell true retinal pigment epithelial cell true smooth muscle cell of the umbilical vein true smooth muscle cell of the brachiocephalic vasculature true smooth muscle cell of the brain vasculature true smooth muscle cell of the pulmonary artery true smooth muscle cell of the coronary artery true smooth muscle cell of the umbilical artery true smooth muscle cell of the subclavian artery true smooth muscle cell of the carotid artery true smooth muscle cell of bladder true bronchial smooth muscle cell true smooth muscle cell of the esophagus true smooth muscle cell of trachea true uterine smooth muscle cell true astrocyte of the cerebellum true astrocyte of the hippocampus true astrocyte of the cerebral cortex true astrocyte of the spinal cord true migratory enteric neural crest cell hippocampal neuron true neuron of cerebral cortex true neuron of the dorsal spinal cord true neuron of the ventral spinal cord true striatum neuron true neuron of the substantia nigra true adipocyte of breast true endothelial cell of umbilical vein skin fibroblast true prostate stromal cell true acinar cell of salivary gland true seminiferous tubule epithelial cell true epithelial cell of upper respiratory tract true epithelial cell of lower respiratory tract true respiratory basal cell epithelial cell of anal column true true keratinized epithelial cell of the anal canal bronchioalveolar stem cell glandular cell of endometrium glandular cell of esophagus true true glandular cell of the large intestine true glandular cell of stomach true otic fibrocyte type 2 otic fibrocyte type 4 otic fibrocyte type 3 otic fibrocyte type 1 otic fibrocyte retinal progenitor cell tongue muscle cell neural crest derived neuroblast PP cell of intestine true kidney cortical cell true spinal cord interneuron true macular hair cell renal principal cell renal intercalated cell multi-ciliated epithelial cell auditory epithelial support cell ghrelin secreting cell pancreatic epsilon cell hepatoblast preameloblast premigratory neural crest cell prechondroblast preosteoblast enteric neuron non-striated muscle cell hematopoietic precursor cell skeletal muscle fiber visceral muscle cell pancreatic endocrine cell sensory neuron of spinal nerve true retinal cell stromal cell of bone marrow epithelial cell of umbilical artery epithelial cell of alveolus of lung mononuclear cell of bone marrow atrioventricular bundle cell cardiac blood vessel endothelial cell cardiac endothelial cell camera-type eye photoreceptor cell GOC:cjm cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron cerebral cortex neuron cardiac glial cell cardiac myoblast cardiac neuron dorsal horn interneuron true spinal cord motor neuron true lens fiber cell GABAergic interneuron paraxial cell chorionic trophoblast cell colon epithelial cell magnocellular neurosecretory cell spiral ganglion neuron precursor cell astrocyte of the forebrain true neuron of the forebrain true forebrain radial glial cell retrotrapezoid nucleus neuron forebrain neuroblast spinal cord radial glial cell stretch receptor cell lung goblet cell pillar cell stomach neuroendocrine cell lung neuroendocrine cell lung ciliated cell lung secretory cell smooth muscle cell of small intestine true smooth muscle fiber of duodenum true smooth muscle fiber of jejunum true smooth muscle fiber of ileum true smooth muscle cell of large intestine true smooth muscle cell of colon true smooth muscle cell of cecum true smooth muscle cell of rectum true epithelial cell of urethra true mesothelial cell of dura mater true fibroblast of papillary layer of dermis true fibroblast of tunica adventitia of artery true fibroblast of dense regular elastic tissue bronchial goblet cell gastric goblet cell gastric cardiac gland goblet cell intestinal villus goblet cell large intestine goblet cell large intestine crypt goblet cell pancreatic goblet cell pylroric gastric gland goblet cell duodenal goblet cell jejunal goblet cell ileal goblet cell tracheal goblet cell enterocyte of epithelium of small intestine true enterocyte of epithelium of intestinal villus enterocyte of epithelium of duodenal gland paneth cell of epithelium of small intestine true true vacuolar absorptive cell of epithelium of colon true basal cell of epithelium of trachea true basal cell of epithelium of bronchus basal cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole basal cell of epithelium of respiratory bronchiole basal cell of epithelium of lobular bronchiole dense-core granulated cell of epithelium of trachea true true melanocyte of eyelid true endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid true myocyte of sinoatrial node myocyte of atrioventricular node endothelial cell of arteriole true endothelial cell of artery endothelial cell of venule true epithelial cell of gall bladder true myoepithelial cell of lactiferous gland true myoepithelial cell of sweat gland true myoepithelial cell of lactiferous alveolus true myoepithelial cell of lactiferous duct true chromaffin cell of adrenal gland true adrenal cortex chromaffin cell true stem cell of epidermis true conjunctival epithelial cell true epithelial cell of external acoustic meatus true epithelial cell of lacrimal duct true epithelial cell of lacrimal sac true epithelial cell of nasolacrimal duct true urothelial cell of trigone of urinary bladder true ciliary muscle cell true mesothelial cell of anterior chamber of eye true epithelial cell of stratum germinativum of esophagus true epithelial cell of sweat gland epithelial cell of nephron true true epithelial cell of glomerular capsule true epithelial cell of visceral layer of glomerular capsule true true parietal epithelial cell true kidney collecting duct epithelial cell true true true melanocyte of skin true chromaffin cell of ovary true basal cell of urothelium true smooth muscle cell of prostate true cholangiocyte true mesothelial cell of peritoneum true mesothelial cell of pleura true mesothelial cell of parietal pleura mesothelial cell of visceral pleura nephron tubule epithelial cell small intestine goblet cell kidney cell true kidney interstitial cell true kidney medulla cell true kidney pelvis cell true kidney tubule cell kidney glomerular epithelial cell true kidney papillary duct principal epithelial cell lower urinary tract cell true ureteral cell true kidney nerve cell kidney corpuscule cell true kidney cortex tubule cell true kidney outer medulla cell true kidney inner medulla cell true juxtaglomerular complex cell true kidney pelvis smooth muscle cell true true kidney pelvis urothelial cell true true ureter urothelial cell true true kidney papillary duct intercalated cell true kidney papillary duct principal cell true glomerular mesangial cell true glomerular cell true kidney distal convoluted tubule epithelial cell true macula densa epithelial cell true true kidney blood vessel cell true kidney arterial blood vessel cell true kidney capillary endothelial cell kidney venous blood vessel cell true kidney loop of henle epithelial cell true glomerular capillary endothelial cell true true kidney afferent arteriole cell true kidney efferent arteriole cell true kidney loop of henle ascending limb epithelial cell true kidney loop of henle descending limb epithelial cell true peritubular capillary endothelial cell true vasa recta cell true kidney cortex artery cell true kidney cortex vein cell true kidney artery smooth muscle cell kidney arteriole smooth muscle cell kidney venous system smooth muscle cell kidney afferent arteriole endothelial cell true kidney afferent arteriole smooth muscle cell true kidney efferent arteriole endothelial cell true kidney efferent arteriole smooth muscle cell true kidney loop of henle thick ascending limb epithelial cell true kidney loop of henle thin ascending limb epithelial cell true inner renal medulla vasa recta cell true true outer renal medulla vasa recta cell true true arcuate artery cell true interlobular artery cell true arcuate vein cell true interlobular vein cell true arcuate artery endothelial cell true arcuate artery smooth muscle cell true interlobulary artery endothelial cell interlobulary artery smooth muscle cell true arcuate vein endothelial cell arcuate vein smooth muscle cell true interlobulary vein endothelial cell interlobulary vein smooth muscle cell true kidney collecting duct cell true renal interstitial pericyte true bladder cell true urethra cell true bladder urothelial cell true true urethra urothelial cell true kidney collecting duct principal cell true kidney collecting duct intercalated cell true epithelial cell of exocrine pancreas olfactory bulb interneuron periglomerular cell hair-tylotrich neuron hair-down neuron sensory neuron of dorsal root ganglion true medium spiny neuron mitral cell olfactory bulb tufted cell parvocellular neurosecretory cell glycinergic neuron intestinal enteroendocrine cell stomach enteroendocrine cell vomeronasal sensory neuron bronchioalveolar stem cells lung endothelial cell pulmonary artery endothelial cell hippocampal interneuron hippocampal pyramidal neuron colon endothelial cell nasopharyngeal epithelial cell uterine cervix squamous cell tonsil squamous cell vagina squamous cell cerebral cortex glial cell hippocampus glial cell lateral ventricle glial cell lateral ventricle neuron mammary gland glandular cell uterine cervix glandular cell colon glandular cell duodenum glandular cell epididymis glandular cell gall bladder glandular cell parathyroid glandular cell rectum glandular cell salivary gland glandular cell seminal vesicle glandular cell small intestine glandular cell pancreas exocrine glandular cell adrenal gland glandular cell cerebral cortex endothelial cell lung macrophage foreskin keratinocyte articular chondrocyte foreskin fibroblast muscle fibroblast bone marrow hematopoietic cell cerebellar neuron epidermal melanocyte peripheral blood mononuclear cell decidua cell pituitary gland cell brain macroglial cell tonsil germinal center B cell articular chondrocyte of knee joint dermis blood vessel endothelial cell fibroblast of peridontal ligament endothelial cell of coronary artery inner cell mass native cell sebaceous gland native cell cardiac septum native cell spinal cord ventral column interneuron spinal cord medial motor column neuron spinal cord oligodendrocyte cerebellum glutamatergic neuron central nervous system neuron hypothalamus native cell peripheral nervous system neuron limb basal cell of epidermis embryonic fibroblast brain pericyte foreskin melanocyte ventricular cardiac muscle cell brainstem motor neuron ventral horn of spinal cord spinal cord motor neuron primary motor cortex pyramidal cell splenic fibroblast umbilical artery endothelial cell splenic endothelial cell liver dendritic cell Meynert cell femural osteoblast calvarial osteoblast placental villous trophoblast placental amniotic mesenchymal stromal cell placental villus capillary endothelial cell ovarian fibroblast ovarian surface epithelial cell cardiac ventricle fibroblast cardiac atrium fibroblast pericardium fibroblast gallbladder fibroblast optic choroid fibroblast splenocyte anterior visceral endoderm cell hindlimb stylopod vein endothelial cell placental pericyte mesenchymal stem cell of femoral bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell of abdominal adipose melanocyte of foreskin conjunctiva goblet cell mononuclear cell of umbilical cord dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation granule cell hair follicular keratinocyte bronchus fibroblast of lung reticular layer of dermis fibroblast neutrophillic cytoplasm acidophilic cytoplasm basophilic cytoplasm polychromatophilic cytoplasm increased nucleus size cartwheel heterochromatin nuclear division lytic vacuole chromatin euchromatin heterochromatin regulation of neurotransmitter levels osteoblast differentiation cell activation tissue homeostasis cell killing leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity T cell mediated cytotoxicity blood vessel remodeling somatic diversification of immune receptors somatic recombination of immunoglobulin genes involved in immune response somatic diversification of immunoglobulins involved in immune response natural killer cell mediated immunity lymphocyte anergy adaptive immune response immune effector process cell activation involved in immune response lymphocyte activation involved in immune response B cell activation involved in immune response B cell selection leukocyte activation involved in immune response immune system process leukocyte mediated immunity lymphocyte mediated immunity T cell mediated immunity adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen via MHC class I tolerance induction B cell tolerance induction B cell anergy leukocyte differentiation somatic diversification of immune receptors via germline recombination within a single locus somatic diversification of immune receptors via somatic mutation peptide secretion developmental process involved in reproduction system process circulatory system process heart process cellular_component cell nucleus nucleolus cytoplasm lysosome primary lysosome vacuole Golgi apparatus ribosome microvillus cell-cell junction cilium aminoglycan metabolic process organic acid metabolic process nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process DNA metabolic process DNA recombination DNA packaging cellular aromatic compound metabolic process superoxide metabolic process nitrogen compound metabolic process transport ion transport anion transport dicarboxylic acid transport neurotransmitter transport amino acid transport movement of cell or subcellular component chemotaxis response to stress defense response inflammatory response immune response organelle organization cell cycle meiotic nuclear division male meiosis female meiotic division cell adhesion leukocyte cell-cell adhesion neurotransmitter secretion gamete generation germ cell development spermatogenesis female gamete generation respiratory gaseous exchange blood coagulation hemostasis blood circulation protein localization biological_process metabolic process cell proliferation protein secretion response to radiation response to light stimulus fertilization response to abiotic stimulus anatomical structure morphogenesis organ morphogenesis hormone transport cellular process regulation of hormone levels vesicle membrane glutamate secretion intercalated disc protein transport organic anion transport peptide transport monoamine transport organic acid transport organic hydroxy compound transport membrane cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle cellular component organization single organismal cell-cell adhesion somatic cell DNA recombination somatic diversification of immunoglobulins somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes somatic recombination of immunoglobulin gene segments cell migration carboxylic acid metabolic process immunoglobulin complex antigen processing and presentation developmental maturation cell cycle process cellular process involved in reproduction in multicellular organism reproductive process biological adhesion signal release sarcomere cell junction peptide hormone secretion insulin secretion lymphocyte differentiation myeloid cell differentiation secretory granule cell differentiation neuron differentiation B cell differentiation glycosaminoglycan metabolic process T cell differentiation erythrocyte differentiation growth hormone secretion chromosome condensation sperm motility ribonucleoprotein complex cytoplasmic vesicle membrane secretory granule membrane organelle membrane cytoplasmic vesicle vesicle membrane-bounded vesicle gonadotropin secretion luteinizing hormone secretion multicellular organismal process developmental process monocarboxylic acid metabolic process secretion by cell mononuclear cell proliferation macromolecular complex macromolecule localization V(D)J recombination immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination homotypic cell-cell adhesion cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process locomotion T cell activation B cell activation natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity taxis melanosome odontogenesis azurophil granule zymogen granule membrane homeostatic process MHC protein complex MHC class II protein complex amide transport cell projection macromolecule metabolic process organelle membrane-bounded organelle non-membrane-bounded organelle intracellular organelle intracellular membrane-bounded organelle intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle protein complex positive T cell selection oxoacid metabolic process cellular metabolic process primary metabolic process cellular macromolecule metabolic process small molecule metabolic process cell-cell contact zone organelle part intracellular part membrane part chromosomal part nuclear part cytoplasmic vesicle part cytoplasmic part intracellular organelle part contractile fiber part plasma membrane part cell part single-organism process single organism reproductive process single-multicellular organism process single-organism metabolic process single-organism cellular process single-organism transport single-organism developmental process T cell selection innate immune response establishment of protein localization isotype switching leukocyte activation bone resorption heterocycle metabolic process lymphocyte activation lymphocyte proliferation acid secretion hormone secretion secretion carboxylic acid transport antigen processing and presentation of peptide antigen male gamete generation sperm capacitation epinephrine transport epinephrine secretion organelle fission cell development cell maturation oogenesis multicellular organismal reproductive process pigment granule tissue remodeling anatomical structure development cellular developmental process cell motility chemical homeostasis catecholamine secretion coagulation regulation of body fluid levels response to stimulus leukocyte migration localization establishment of localization chromosome organization establishment of localization in cell catecholamine transport heart contraction anatomical structure homeostasis cell chemotaxis endocrine hormone secretion biological regulation regulation of biological quality glucagon secretion prolactin secretion leukocyte aggregation T cell aggregation leukocyte proliferation DNA conformation change lymphocyte aggregation organic substance transport organic substance metabolic process nitrogen compound transport immunoglobulin light chain V-J recombination cellular component organization or biogenesis reactive oxygen species metabolic process nucleic acid metabolic process bounding membrane of organelle single organism cell adhesion cell-cell adhesion membrane protein complex plasma membrane protein complex whole membrane actin-based cell projection carbohydrate derivative metabolic process organic cyclic compound metabolic process organonitrogen compound metabolic process single-organism localization single-organism organelle organization meiotic cell cycle process mucopolysaccharide metabolic process quality life span morphology shape qualitative deviation(from_normal) size time physical quality physical object quality ploidy cellular quality nucleate quality curvature surface feature shape concavity convex 3-D shape 3-D shape protein forkhead box protein P3 transcription factor NF-kappa-B subunit T-box transcription factor TBX21 cathepsin K nuclear receptor ROR-gamma paired box protein PAX-5 tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5 trans-acting T-cell-specific transcription factor GATA-3 transcription factor PU.1 B-cell lymphoma 6 protein nuclear receptor ROR-gamma isoform 2 V(D)J recombination-activating protein 1 V(D)J recombination-activating protein 2 perforin-1 early growth response protein 2 granzyme B leukocyte granule-associated proteinase CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha DNA nucleotidylexotransferase proto-oncogene c-Fos erythroid transcription factor endothelial transcription factor GATA-2 hemoglobin subunit zeta hemoglobin subunit beta-1 lactotransferrin nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p100 subunit amino acid chain uterine cervix islet of Langerhans pituitary gland peripheral nervous system zone of skin exocrine pancreas camera-type eye sense organ tube appendage lymph node serous membrane tendon dorsal root ganglion ganglion simple eye macula vessel ureter urethra duct large intestine anatomical wall anatomical structure organ organ subunit organ part respiratory tract proximo-distal subdivision of respiratory tract regional part of nervous system renal glomerulus subdivision of skeletal system mixed endoderm/mesoderm-derived structure mixed ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm-derived structure mesonephros metanephros morula inner cell mass membrane organ lung vasculature lung epithelium respiratory tube cell layer neuron projection bundle neural nucleus membranous layer anal canal intestine proximal-distal subdivision of colon respiration organ amniotic fluid blood haemolymphatic fluid ligament amnion breast gastric gland intestinal gland mucosa parenchyma blastocyst renal medulla urothelium corpus striatum hindlimb stylopod tongue muscle tracheal mucosa cochlear ganglion colonic epithelium serous gland dermal papilla mucous gland eccrine sweat gland lymphoid follicle organism substance anatomical space material anatomical entity immaterial anatomical entity anatomical system multicellular organism compound organ component testis organism subdivision anatomical cluster extraembryonic structure tissue multi-tissue structure epithelium simple cuboidal epithelium simple columnar epithelium multilaminar epithelium simple squamous epithelium atypical epithelium cavitated compound organ unilaminar epithelium abdomen embryo germ layer ectoderm endoderm mesoderm stomach heart brain cerebral cortex lamina medulla of organ cornea lens of camera-type eye retina eye pleura femur skeletal joint gonad female gonad uterus vagina seminal vesicle skin epidermis respiratory system respiratory airway renal system adipose tissue nervous system central nervous system nerve sensory system yolk sac esophagus saliva-secreting gland rectum Malpighian tubule anatomical entity parathyroid gland cardiac muscle tissue skeletal muscle tissue smooth muscle tissue mesothelium renal vein caecum colon fundus of stomach mucosa of stomach Peyer's patch duodenal gland intestinal villus renal pelvis cortex of kidney renal corpuscle glomerular capsule nephron tubule collecting duct of renal tubule adrenal cortex adrenal medulla intestinal mucosa spleen lymphoid follicle red pulp of spleen marginal zone of spleen urothelium of ureter urinary bladder trigone of urinary bladder pancreatic acinus pancreas epithelium of stomach intestinal epithelium epithelium of large intestine hepatic sinusoid nephron proximal convoluted tubule loop of Henle descending limb of loop of Henle thick ascending limb of loop of Henle distal convoluted tubule outer medulla of kidney inner medulla of kidney endometrium myometrium epididymis ovarian follicle umbilical artery skin of penis prepuce of penis female urethra seminiferous tubule of testis epithelium of vagina white adipose tissue brown adipose tissue lacrimal sac external acoustic meatus primary motor cortex skin of prepuce of penis lymphatic vessel bone element knee joint thoracic aorta brachiocephalic artery subclavian artery kidney arcuate artery digestive tract lower urinary tract upper respiratory tract lower respiratory tract neck of organ extrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic muscle of tongue coronary artery muscle organ artery vein eyelid cranial ganglion nasopharynx lymphoid tissue secondary nodular lymphoid tissue parenchyma of thyroid gland dentine enamel cementum dental pulp periodontium mammary duct anterior chamber of eyeball sclera ciliary body optic choroid substantia propria of cornea spinal nerve layer of retina pigmented layer of retina cranial nerve inner nuclear layer of retina sensory ganglion epithelium of lens conjunctiva sweat gland sebaceous gland nasal cavity mucosa gingiva cochlea lacrimal drainage system cortex vestibular labyrinth dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation choroid plexus forebrain hypothalamus epithelium of trachea epithelium of small intestine pineal body mammary gland lobule of mammary gland endothelium of capillary endothelium of artery paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus neocortex epithelium of nasopharynx Ammon's horn epithelium of respiratory bronchiole terminal bronchiole epithelium white pulp of spleen mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue gut-associated lymphoid tissue bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue epithelium of esophagus venule arteriole blood vessel capillary crypt of Lieberkuhn endothelium placenta papillary layer of dermis reticular layer of dermis hyaline cartilage tissue fibrocartilage olfactory epithelium enteric nervous system cortex of lymph node pulmonary artery gray matter stratum basale of epidermis stratum spinosum of epidermis stratum corneum of epidermis epithelium of gall bladder epithelium of bronchus striated muscle tissue cerebellum substantia nigra thyroid gland lung vasculature embryonic structure epithelium of bronchiole zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland endocardial cushion umbilical vein dermis stratum granulosum of epidermis hypodermis hair follicle viscus heart right ventricle cardiac atrium cardiac ventricle heart left ventricle interatrial septum interventricular septum mesentery skin of body cardiac septum limb spleen liver small intestine gall bladder kidney duodenum jejunum ileum cortex of thymus medulla of thymus cerebellar cortex endocardium bronchus subcutaneous adipose tissue adenohypophysis vasculature of head vasculature of trunk vasculature of eye macula of saccule of membranous labyrinth macula of utricle of membranous labyrinth synovial joint spiral organ of cochlea spinal cord nucleus pulposus vomeronasal organ dorsal horn of spinal cord ventral horn of spinal cord olfactory bulb lamina of spiral limbus stria vascularis of cochlear duct telencephalic ventricle brainstem alveolus of lung juxtaglomerular apparatus layer of hippocampus nucleus of brain hippocampus pyramidal layer glomerular mesangium extraglomerular mesangium coelemic cavity lumen epithelium of urethra notochord umbilical cord macula densa neural crest epicardium sinoatrial node atrioventricular node atrioventricular bundle peritoneum meninx dura mater tympanic membrane exocrine gland prostate gland endocrine gland adrenal gland thymus bone marrow tonsil connective tissue muscle tissue nasolacrimal duct bile duct parietal pleura visceral pleura immune system pericardium autonomic nervous system vertebra cartilage tissue skin gland limb bone striatum decidua stylopod bone tissue prostate duct long bone iris epithelium corpus luteum endochondral bone elastic tissue tunica intima limb segment gland anatomical cavity regional part of brain septum periderm presomitic mesoderm surface structure compound organ mesenchyme chorion trachea skull reproductive organ female reproductive organ male reproductive organ blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier mammary gland alveolus alveolus epithelium of mammary gland gland of foregut gland of diencephalon gland of integumental system epithelium of mucosa pharyngeal epithelium epithelium of rectum smooth muscle of eye gland of gut hindlimb bone skin sebaceous gland abdomen blood vessel heart blood vessel arterial blood vessel trunk blood vessel kidney blood vessel kidney capillary brain gray matter limb long bone hindlimb long bone kidney arterial blood vessel limb joint mouth mucosa upper leg bone thoracic segment blood vessel abdominal segment blood vessel hindlimb joint odontogenic mesenchyme hindlimb mesenchyme stroma retinal neural layer sinusoid epithelial tube endothelial tube venous blood vessel digestive system duct digestive tract epithelium sex gland brain ventricle/choroid plexus spinal cord motor column olfactory bulb layer anterior visceral endoderm spinal cord medial motor column brain ventricle anatomical conduit endoderm-derived structure mesoderm-derived structure ectoderm-derived structure distal tubule cardiac chamber hemopoietic organ aorta smooth muscle tissue olfactory bulb mitral cell layer glomerular epithelium glomerular endothelium loop of Henle ascending limb thin segment nephron epithelium kidney pelvis smooth muscle blood vessel smooth muscle eye muscle glomerular capillary endothelium bone of free limb or fin cavity lining body cavity or lining cardiac muscle tissue of interatrial septum cardiac muscle tissue of cardiac septum cardiac muscle tissue of myocardium epididymis epithelium systemic artery blood vessel endothelium renal afferent arteriole renal efferent arteriole urinary bladder urothelium aorta tunica adventitia arterial system smooth muscle arterial system endothelium paired limb/fin kidney arcuate vein interlobular artery vasa recta gastrula skeletal tissue skeletal element outer renal medulla vasa recta inner renal medulla vasa recta respiratory system mucosa gastrointestinal system mucosa urethra urothelium kidney pelvis urothelium blood vessel layer cervix epithelium respiratory tract epithelium oviduct epithelium seminal vesicle epithelium respiratory system epithelium gastrointestinal system epithelium salivary gland epithelium nephron tubule epithelium seminiferous tubule epithelium upper respiratory tract epithelium lower respiratory tract epithelium kidney epithelium bile duct epithelium pulmonary alveolus epithelium cardiovascular system endothelium visceral endoderm chordamesoderm articulation epithelium of gonad epithelium of male gonad subdivision of digestive tract organ component layer immune organ hemolymphoid system gland muscle structure reproductive structure multi cell part structure ascending limb of loop of Henle papillary duct renal interlobular vein interstitial tissue abdomen element abdominal segment element dorsal region element tooth enamel organ trunk region element thoracic cavity element pelvic region element thoracic segment organ Leydig cell region of testis kidney interstitium head mesenchyme upper leg mesenchyme trunk mesenchyme renal cortex artery renal cortex vein peritubular capillary embryonic tissue extraembryonic tissue pulmonary artery endothelium ventricle of nervous system spinal cord ventral column olfactory bulb external plexiform layer olfactory bulb glomerular layer nasal cavity epithelium photoreceptor array transparent eye structure carotid artery segment female reproductive gland male reproductive gland circumventricular organ developing anatomical structure vascular plexus extraembryonic membrane olfactory system chemosensory system tunica adventitia of blood vessel adventitia glomerular parietal epithelium visceral layer of glomerular capsule section of aorta developing mesenchymal condensation cartilaginous condensation pre-cartilage condensation leg bone duct of male reproductive system transitional epithelium endo-epithelium hair root sheath hair inner root sheath hair outer root sheath eye trabecular meshwork heart layer coronary vessel left branch of atrioventricular bundle right branch of atrioventricular bundle integumentary adnexa hair follicle matrix region femur pre-cartilage condensation chamber of eyeball bodily fluid brainstem nucleus renal convoluted tubule excretory tube hypothalamic nucleus diencephalic nucleus presumptive structure venous sinus spiral ligament glandular epithelium renal cortex tubule adrenal/interrenal gland seminal fluid secreting gland vasculature of organ squamous epithelium digestive gland vestibular epithelium sensory epithelium crista ampullaris neuroepithelium inner ear epithelium uterine epithelium primary circulatory organ tracheobronchial tree mesenchyme derived from head neural crest pancreatic duct outer epithelium matrix-based tissue epithelial sac dense mesenchyme tissue ciliated columnar epithelium ciliated epithelium pigment epithelium of eye nucleus of medulla oblongata region of nephron tubule epidermis gland cartilage element regular connective tissue dense regular connective tissue irregular bone bone of hip region periodontal ligament heart endothelium duodenal epithelium proximale tubular epithelium distal tubular epithelium lower limb segment nonskeletal ligament skeletal ligament cardiac gastric gland pyloric gastric gland osteoid stomach region renal straight tubule subdivision of trunk midbrain nucleus hindbrain nucleus limb mesenchyme cardiac mesenchyme adrenal gland cortex zone renal tubule glandular acinus digestive tract diverticulum sac zone of stomach anal column lobule retrotrapezoid nucleus ureter smooth muscle olfactory bulb plexiform layer epithelium of pancreatic duct multicellular anatomical structure cell cluster organ food storage organ oral gland cuboidal epithelium femur cartilage element conducting tissue of heart neuroendocrine gland secretory circumventricular organ male accessory sex gland merocrine gland umbilical blood vessel neural crest-derived structure structure with developmental contribution from neural crest germ layer / neural crest endochondral element odontoid tissue ecto-epithelium pseudostratified columnar epithelium pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium microcirculatory vessel paired limb/fin segment bone of appendage girdle complex bone of pelvic complex subdivision of organism along appendicular axis limb cartilage element limb bone pre-cartilage condensation hindlimb cartilage element hindlimb pre-cartilage condensation vertebral element craniocervical muscle articular cartilage of joint vertebra cartilage element vertebra pre-cartilage condensation nonsynovial joint synovial limb joint submucosal gland parathyroid epithelium central nervous system cell part cluster organ system subdivision gray matter of telencephalon prepuce cell condensation nerve of head region irregular connective tissue dense irregular connective tissue dense connective tissue loose connective tissue acinus of exocrine gland epithelium-associated lymphoid tissue columnar epithelium meso-epithelium holocrine gland hemopoietic tissue vein of abdomen ovarian medulla serous acinus subdivision of oviduct subdivision of tube epithelium of intestinal villus brain endothelium colon endothelium tonsil epithelium exocrine pancreas epithelium integumentary system layer digestive system element great vessel of heart mesenchyme derived from neural crest renal venous blood vessel skeletal muscle organ vertebra endochondral element hindlimb endochondral element femur endochondral element limb endochondral element lateral structure circulatory organ heterogeneous tissue liver blood vessel ear epithelium eye epithelium foregut epithelium central nervous system gray matter layer spinal cord column epithelium of terminal part of digestive tract developing mesenchymal structure abdominal viscera layer of muscle tissue cardiac muscle tissue of ventricle bladder organ reproductive system mucosa gray matter of hindbrain gray matter of forebrain sensory organ epithelium nose epithelium exocrine gland of integumental system nervous system cell part layer parietal serous membrane cranial neuron projection bundle lymphomyeloid tissue multi organ part structure cell cluster external soft tissue zone epithelium of biliary system layer of smooth muscle tissue zone of organ epithelial layer of duct left cardiac chamber right cardiac chamber spleen pulp fenestrated capillary external integument structure mineralized skeletal tissue