cubital vein synonyms: 1st recurrent, brachium, costa cubitalis, cubital, cubital vein of fore wing, cubitus, cubitus alae anterioris, cubitus anticus, cubitus suturalis, discoidal vein, discoideus, medial cross vein, medial two, median, radius dichotomus, radius internodalis, subdiscoideus, ulna, vena brachialis, vena internomedia prima, vena praebrachialis, vena ulnaris
longitudinal vein that is posterior to the marginal vein.
written by: Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
Relationships / properties:
The cubital vein is part of the cuticle. The cubital vein is part of the fore wing. The cubital vein is part of the venation.
cubital vein by Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
cubitus by Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. Principles of insect morphology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York & London 667 pp.
cubitus by Curators, H. A. O. 2009. The Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Curation Team. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
medial cross vein by Comstock, J. H., and J. G. Needham. 1898. The Wings of Insects Chapter III (Continued). American Naturalist 32:335-340.
medial two by Comstock, J. H., and J. G. Needham. 1898. The Wings of Insects Chapter III (Continued). American Naturalist 32:335-340.
median by Morley, C. 1903. Theichneumons of Great Britain: a descriptive account of the families, genera and species indigenous to the British islands, together with notes as to classification, localities, habitats, host, etc.Plymouth. 315 pp.
1st recurrent by Morley, C. 1903. Theichneumons of Great Britain: a descriptive account of the families, genera and species indigenous to the British islands, together with notes as to classification, localities, habitats, host, etc.Plymouth. 315 pp.
discoideus by Rohwer, S. A., and A. B. Gahan. 1916. Horismology of the hymenopterous wing. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 19:89-98.
subdiscoideus by Rohwer, S. A., and A. B. Gahan. 1916. Horismology of the hymenopterous wing. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 19:89-98.
discoidal vein by Evans, H. E. 1964. A synopsis of the American Bethylidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 132:1-222.
cubital by Goulet, H., and J. T. Huber. 1993. Hymenoptera of the World: An Identification Guide to Families. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada Publication 1894/E., Ottawa, ON 668 pp.
cubital vein by Danforth, B. N., and C. D. Michener. 1988. Wing Folding in the Hymenoptera. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 81:342-349.
costa cubitalis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
cubital vein of fore wing by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
cubitus anticus by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
radius dichotomus by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
radius internodalis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
ulna by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
vena brachialis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
vena internomedia prima by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
vena praebrachialis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
vena ulnaris by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
cubitus suturalis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
brachium by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
cubitus alae anterioris by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
review definition added over 14 years ago by Istvan Miko
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