metatibia by Chapman, R. F. 1998. The insects: structure and function 4th edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne 770 pp.
hind tibia by Curators, H. A. O. 2009. The Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology Curation Team. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
metatibia by Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.
hindtibia by Bertone, M. A. 2009. HAO Curator..
hind tibia by Cameron, P. 1897. New species of Hymenoptera from Central America. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 19:261-279.
metatibia by Crampton, G. C. 1918. The thoracic sclerites of the grasshopper Dissosteira carolina. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 11:347-366.
hindtibia by Kimsey , L. S., and R. M. Bohart. 1980. A Synopsis of the Chrysidid Genera of Neotropical America (Chrysidoidea, Hymenoptera). Psyche 87:75-91.
tibia pedis posteriores by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
tibia metathoracalis by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
tibia posterior by Zombori, L., and H. Steinmann. 1999. Dictionary of Insect Morphology. Handbuch der Zoologie 4:1-404.
tibia of hind leg by Casteel, D. B. 1912. The behavior of the honey bee in pollen collection.:36.
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